IWPC spends US$2.3 billion to build Bakhtiari 1.5GW hydroelectric power station
Seetao 2021-08-17 14:19
  • Bakhtiari contains a 325-meter double-curvature concrete dam and a hydroelectric power station with a capacity of 1.5GW
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The Bakhtiari Hydropower Project is located in the Lorestan Province of Iran and involves the construction of one of the world's tallest concrete dams and a 1500 MW hydropower station on the Bakhtiari River.

The Iranian Hydropower Resources Development Corporation (IWPC) is developing the project with an estimated investment of 1.8 billion pounds (2.3 billion US dollars). Although the dam construction project started in April 2013, the project was delayed due to funding problems.

The Bakhtiari Hydropower Project is located in the lower reaches of the Bakhtiari River in the Zagos Mountains at the junction of Khuzestan and Lorestan Provinces in southwestern Iran. Bakhtiari originates from the Ghalikooh mountain range and is one of the two main rivers of the Dez River. The Dez River is a tributary of the Karen River, the largest and most water-rich in Iran. The project site is located 5 kilometers upstream of the confluence of the Caeser and Bakhtiari rivers, and about 50 kilometers upstream of the Dez Dam. The Bakhtiari Hydropower Plant will include an underground power station equipped with six 250MW vertical-axis turbines.

The power transmission facilities of the project will include a transformer cavern equipped with AC single-phase step-up transformers, high-voltage (HV) cable corridors, busway tunnels and related equipment, a control room and a 400kV switch station system. Other components include water intake structure, two water diversion tunnels and two spillway tunnels with a total length of 230m.

Bakhtiari Dam will be a 325m high double-curvature concrete dam with a crest of 509m and a crest of 10m. The dam is designed to produce a reservoir with a surface area of 58.7 kilometers and 59 kilometers long and a storage capacity of 4.8 billion cubic meters (BCM). In addition to generating electricity, the multi-purpose dam will also be used for flood control and regulating the water volume of the Dez River basin.

Keywords: hydroelectric power station, international engineering news

After the completion of the Bakhtiari Hydropower Project, it is expected to generate up to 3 billion kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity each year. The Bakhtiari Dam is also designed to prevent river sediments from entering the reservoir of the Dez Dam built in 1963.Editor/Baohongying


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