Beijing's five-year urban renewal action plan announced
Seetao 2021-09-01 09:49
  • The future urban renewal of Beijing will focus on improving the quality and efficiency of the existing regional stock space resources
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With the continuous acceleration of the urbanization process, the margin of the city's carrying capacity is constantly being tested. Exploring the renewal of the urban system is an important path for the capital Beijing to achieve high-quality development. The "Beijing Urban Renewal Action Plan (2021-2025)" was officially released a few days ago, clarifying the goals and direction of Beijing's urban renewal in the next five years.

The action plan proposes that Beijing’s urban renewal must closely follow the new version of the general plan and development reality, focus on improving the quality and efficiency of the existing space resources in the urban built-up area, and avoid major demolition and construction, promote the development of six types of urban renewal projects, and build a benign city Self-renewal mechanism.

Promote the transformation from urban construction to stock renewal

When it comes to urban renewal, the first thing many people think of is to demolish old houses and rebuild them. The action plan is clear. Beijing’s implementation of the urban renewal action must be guided by the new version of the city’s master plan, and always insist on conducive to the improvement of urban functions, the formation of vitality space, the introduction of social capital, the improvement of people’s livelihood, and the promotion of urban construction and development. Rely on incremental development to shift to inventory update.

At the same time, Beijing's urban renewal should not only use spatial adjustments to make up for shortcomings in people's livelihoods such as incomplete public service facilities and insufficient public space, but also link with each of Beijing's “five sons”. Through the implementation of urban renewal actions, we will further improve the urban spatial structure and functional layout, promote industrial transformation and upgrading, and build an international scientific and technological innovation center; establish a benign urban self-renewal mechanism to provide a more effective space carrier for the construction of the "two districts"; vigorously develop Digital economy supports the construction of a global digital economy benchmark city by revitalizing the stock space resources; promoting the adjustment and upgrading of the industrial structure through renovation and transformation, expanding the effective supply of culture, optimizing the investment supply structure, driving consumption upgrading, and building an international consumption center city; and promoting improvement The special actions are closely coordinated to further promote the coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei.

Six types of update project classification guidance

As the country's first city to achieve reduced development, what should sustainable renewal include? Combining the development stage of the city and the actual regional development, Beijing has identified six types of urban renewal projects: application-style rent cancellation and protective repairs and restoration of bungalows (courtyards) in the functional core area of the capital; reconstruction of old communities; reconstruction of dilapidated buildings and simple buildings Retirement and renovation; renovation and upgrading of old buildings and traditional business districts; inefficient industrial parks “vacation of cages for birds” and renewal and renovation of old factories; renovation of urban shanty towns.

The action plan proposes to adhere to the principle of "guarantee vs. guarantee", promote the application-style rent withdrawal, protective repairs, and restorative construction of bungalows (courtyards) in the functional core area of the capital through multiple channels, and improve the "symbiosis courtyard" model. By 2025, complete the task of renting out 10,000 flat houses (courtyards) in the functional core area of the capital and repairing 6,000 households.

In terms of "vacating cages for birds" in low-efficiency industrial parks and renewal and renovation of old factories, actively support the renewal of existing low-efficiency industrial parks and promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries; guide the use of old factories to build new infrastructure and develop modern service industries and other industries Format. By 2025, orderly promote the renewal and transformation of 700 old factory buildings and the "vacation of cages for birds" in low-efficiency industrial parks.

“In fact, these six types of urban renewal projects are also the types of projects that are being explored in Beijing’s grassroots practice in recent years.” The relevant person in charge of the Municipal Housing and Urban-rural Development Committee said that it needs to be clear that the acceleration of the transformation of urban shanty towns is mainly to achieve The project is gradually "written off" to ensure that the relevant people are resettled on schedule.

Compile three lists of urban renewal actions

The action plan also proposes that Beijing’s implementation of urban renewal is not point-like or linear-like renewal, but innovatively taking the block as a unit, strengthening the coordination of district unit renewal and sub-item renewal, coordinating urban renewal and remediation, promoting improvement, and overall planning. Renew above and underground, coordinate the construction of major projects and the renewal of surrounding areas, coordinate government support and social capital participation, and promote the efficient and orderly development of urban renewal actions.

In particular, in the promotion of a single renewal project, it is necessary to respect the wishes of residents and ownership subjects, and integrate various implementation needs. "In the case of old community reconstruction, this is one of the important types of urban renewal, and it is also a'complex for improving people's livelihood.'" said the person in charge. Diversified participation, co-governance and sharing are also one of the basic principles of Beijing's implementation of urban renewal. It is necessary to adhere to the leadership of party building, give full play to the institutional role of "whistle-blowing and report", immediate action when responding to litigation, and responsible planners, encourage residents and all types of owners to play the role of main responsibility in urban renewal, and explore the effectiveness of incorporating urban renewal into grassroots governance. Ways to continuously improve the level of refined governance and co-governance.

It is understood that Beijing will build a city in accordance with the idea of "project-based advancement and inventory-based management", combined with the basic conditions of the six types of projects and the wishes and needs of enterprises and the people, and in accordance with the principles of classified guidance, dynamic adjustment, rolling implementation, and practice while improving. Update the action project reserve database, and on this basis, compile a list of demonstration projects, a list of policies and a list of projects to be implemented for urban renewal actions.

Keywords: infrastructure construction, infrastructure construction, domestic engineering news, infrastructure engineering news

Realizing the standardization and institutionalization of urban renewal will be an important support for future urban development. "The list of urban renewal action policies published in synchronization with the action plan focuses on the difficulties, obstacles and pain points that currently restrict urban renewal development." According to the plan, 22 urban renewal supporting policies are expected to be completed by the end of 2021. Editor/Xu Shengpeng


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