Construction of Hengqin Guangdong-Macao Intensive Cooperation Zone
Seetao 2021-09-06 09:10
  • The construction of Hengqin New District will open up a new phase of development for Macau in the future
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As an important development strategy for achieving higher goals in the new era, regional cooperation and development have achieved remarkable results. Recently, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council have issued the "Overall Plan for the Construction of the Hengqin Guangdong-Macao Intensive Cooperation Zone" and issued a notice requiring all regions and departments to conscientiously implement it in light of actual conditions.

The full text of the "Overall Plan for the Construction of the Hengqin Guangdong-Macao Deep Cooperation Zone" is as follows.

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that the original intention of the construction of the Hengqin New Area was to create conditions for the diversified development of Macao's industries. The development and opening up of the Hengqin Guangdong-Macao in-depth cooperation zone under the new situation is a key measure for the in-depth implementation of the "Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Development Plan Outline", a major deployment to enrich the practice of "One Country, Two Systems", and an important infusion for the long-term development of Macao The driving force is conducive to promoting the long-term prosperity and stability of Macao and integrating into the overall development of the country. In order to fully implement the spirit of the important instructions of General Secretary Jin Ping on Guangdong-Macao cooperative development of Hengqin, and to support the development of the Hengqin Guangdong-Macao Deep Cooperation Zone (hereinafter referred to as the cooperation zone), this plan is formulated.

1. General requirements

(1) Development basis. Hengqin is located at the southern end of Zhuhai, separated from Macau by one water and one bridge. It has the inherent advantages of Guangdong-Macao cooperation and is an important platform for promoting the moderately diversified economic development of Macau. Since the Party Central Committee and the State Council decided to develop Hengqin in 2009, thanks to the concerted efforts of all parties, Hengqin’s economic and social development has achieved remarkable results. The infrastructure has been gradually improved, the system innovation has been intensified, the level of opening up has been continuously improved, and the regional GDP and fiscal revenue have been improved. Revenue is growing rapidly. At the same time, the development of Hengqin's real economy is still insufficient, and the characteristics of serving Macau are not obvious enough. The development of integration with Macau needs to be strengthened, and there is a long way to go to promote the diversified development of Macau's industries.

(2) Guiding ideology. Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, fully implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Plenary Sessions of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. Focus on promoting the moderately diversified economic development of Macao, adhere to "one country, two systems", act in accordance with the law, adhere to emancipating the mind, reform and innovation, adhere to mutually beneficial cooperation, openness and tolerance, innovate and improve policies and measures, enrich and expand the content of cooperation, and coordinate with more powerful opening measures Promote the in-depth cooperation between Guangdong and Macao, vigorously develop new industries that promote the moderately diversified economy of Macao, accelerate the construction of new homes that facilitate the life and employment of Macao residents, strive to build a new system of integration with Macao, and continue to improve Guangdong and Macao to discuss, build and co-manage The new shared system supports Macau's better integration into the overall situation of national development and injects new momentum into the steady and long-term practice of Macau's "One Country, Two Systems".

(3) The scope of the cooperation zone. The scope of implementation of the cooperation zone is the customs supervision area between the "first line" and "second line" of Hengqin Island, with a total area of approximately 106 square kilometers. Among them, the line between Hengqin and the Macao Special Administrative Region is set as the "first line"; the line between Hengqin and other areas within the customs territory of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the mainland) is set as the "second line".

According to the objective reality of the whole island of Hengqin, the cooperation zone will be classified and managed in different regions. The Hengqin campus of the University of Macau and the Macau jurisdiction of the Hengqin port are managed by the Macau Special Administrative Region government authorized by the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress. They are subject to relevant Macau systems and regulations, and are separated from other regions by physical fences; Guangdong and Macau jointly build and manage a shared area Adopt electronic fence supervision and catalogue list methods, and implement special policies for eligible market entities.

(4) Strategic positioning

-A new platform to promote the moderately diversified development of Macao's economy. Based on the resource endowment and development foundation of Guangdong and Macao, focusing on the main direction of the diversified development of Macao's industry, strengthening policy support, vigorously developing new technologies, new industries, new formats, and new models, injecting new impetus into the long-term development of Macao.

——A new space to facilitate the life and employment of Macao residents. Promote the in-depth integration of Macao's public services and social security systems in the cooperation zone, provide more convenient conditions for Macao residents to study, find employment, start a business, and live in the cooperation zone, and create a livable and workable living environment that is convergent with Macao.

——A new demonstration of enriching the practice of "One Country, Two Systems". Adhere to the foundation of "one country", make good use of the benefits of "two systems", base on the special regulatory system and development basis of the division of cooperation management, take the lead in boldly innovating in important areas and key links of reform and opening up, and promote the integration of rules and mechanisms to create Demonstration of regional development with Chinese characteristics and showing the advantages of the "two systems", and accelerate the realization of integrated development with Macao.

-Promoting the construction of a new highland in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. Fully tap the potential for institutional innovation in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, make full use of the favorable factors of Macau Free Port and Zhuhai Special Economic Zone, accelerate the improvement of the overall strength and competitiveness of the cooperation zone, and strongly support the leading role of Macau-Zhuhai Pole in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area , Radiation drives the development of the west bank of the Pearl River.

(5) Development goals

By the 25th anniversary of Macao’s return to the motherland in 2024, Guangdong and Macao will discuss, jointly build, manage, and share systems and mechanisms to operate smoothly. Innovative elements are clearly concentrated, characteristic industries are accelerating, and the public service and social security systems are in order to connect with Macao. The number of employed Macao residents has increased substantially, and the integrated development pattern of Qin-Macao has been initially established, and the supporting role of promoting the moderately diversified development of Macao's economy has initially appeared.

By the 30th anniversary of Macao’s return to the motherland in 2029, the cooperation zone and Macao’s economy will be highly coordinated and the rules are deeply connected. The system will be fully established, the cross-border flow of various elements will be efficient and convenient, the development of characteristic industries will be scaled up, and the public service and social security system will be more complete. , The integrated development level of Qin-Macao has been further improved, and remarkable results have been achieved in promoting the moderately diversified economic development of Macao.

By 2035, the strong vitality and superiority of "One Country, Two Systems" will be fully demonstrated, the economic strength and technological competitiveness of the cooperation zone will be greatly improved, the public service and social security system will operate efficiently, the integrated development system and mechanism of Qin-Macao will be more complete, and the economy of Macao will be moderately diversified. The goal of development is basically achieved.

2. Develop new industries that promote the moderately diversified economy of Macau

(6) Develop scientific and technological research and development and high-end manufacturing industries. Layout and construct a batch of scientific and technological infrastructure urgently needed for development, organize the implementation of major international science plans and major scientific projects, build high-standard production, study and research demonstration bases for universities such as the University of Macau and Macau University of Science and Technology, build technological innovation and transformation centers, and promote cooperation zones To build an important fulcrum for an international science and technology innovation center in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. Vigorously develop integrated circuits, electronic components, new materials, new energy, big data, artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, and biomedicine industries. Accelerate the construction of a microelectronics industry chain for characteristic chip design, testing and inspection. Build an artificial intelligence collaborative innovation ecosystem, create Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) application demonstration projects, fifth-generation mobile communications (5G) application demonstration projects, and next-generation Internet industry clusters.

(7) Develop Macau brand industries such as Chinese medicine. Focus on building a world-class Chinese medicine production base and innovation highland, optimize the development path of the Guangdong-Macao cooperative Chinese medicine science and technology industrial park, use the national Chinese medicine service export base as the carrier, develop Chinese medicine service trade, and establish medicines with independent intellectual property rights and Chinese characteristics Innovative R&D and transformation platform. For traditional Chinese medicine products, food and health products approved and registered in Macao, and produced in the cooperation zone, the use of the "Macao Supervised Manufacturing", "Macao Supervised Manufacturing" or "Macao Design" logo is allowed. To study and simplify the approval process for the listing of Chinese patent medicines for external use in Macau in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, explore to allow Macau Chinese medicines that have been approved for marketing in the Mainland to be produced in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and implement priority review and approval for new drugs developed in Macau that meet the requirements. Support the development of rough diamond processing and build a world-class rough diamond and gemstone trading center.

(8) Develop cultural, tourism, exhibition, and trade industries. Build a high-level Hengqin International Leisure Tourism Island, support the construction of Macau's World Tourism and Leisure Center, and vigorously develop tourism industries such as leisure vacations, conferences and exhibitions, sports events and tourism, and major health industries such as leisure and health, rehabilitation and medical care in the cooperation zone. Strengthen the development and utilization of tourism resources in the surrounding islands and promote the free travel of yachts in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau. Support Guangdong and Macao to study and hold the International High-Quality Consumer Expo and the World Bay Area Forum to create an exhibition platform with international influence. During the process of co-sponsoring cross-border exhibitions in the cooperation zone with Macau, it is allowed to apply for multiple entry and exit valid visas (Note) for exhibition staff, professional exhibitors, and domestic and foreign passengers holding exhibition ticket certificates in accordance with regulations. In Zhuhai and Macau There can be multiple free round trips through Hengqin Port. Support Guangdong and Macao to cooperate in the construction of a high-quality imported consumer goods trading center, and build a high-quality consumer goods trading industry ecology. Build a Sino-Portuguese international trade center and an international hub port for digital trade, and promote the digital transformation of traditional trade.

(9) Develop modern financial industry. Give full play to Macau’s role as a window to Portuguese-speaking countries, and support the cooperation zone to build a financial service platform between China and Portuguese-speaking countries. Encourage social capital to establish multi-currency venture capital funds and private equity investment funds in accordance with market principles, and attract foreign investment to increase support for high-tech industries and innovation and entrepreneurship in the cooperation zone. Support the development of cross-border RMB settlement business in the cooperation zone, encourage and support domestic and foreign investors to use RMB in cross-border venture capital and related investment and trade. Support Macao in the innovative development of modern financial industries such as wealth management, bond markets, and financial leasing in the cooperation zone. Support the cooperation zone to expand the opening up of service areas in Macao, and lower the entry barriers for Australian-funded financial institutions to set up banks and insurance institutions. Support the development of cross-border motor vehicle insurance, cross-border commercial medical insurance, letter of credit insurance and other businesses in the cooperation zone.

(10) Improve preferential policies for corporate income tax. A 15% reduction in corporate income tax will be levied on eligible industrial enterprises in the cooperation zone, and all industries that are conducive to the moderately diversified development of Macao’s economy will be included in the scope of the policy. For the eligible capital expenditures of enterprises, it is allowed to deduct or accelerate depreciation and amortization before the one-off tax in the current period of the expenditure. Enterprise income tax shall be exempted on the income obtained by newly-added overseas direct investment of tourism, modern service, and high-tech industrial enterprises established in the cooperation zone.

(11) Promote the agglomeration of domestic and foreign talents. Formulate policies and measures to attract and gather international high-end talents, vigorously attract "high-end talents", provide high-level convenience for qualified international high-end talents to enter and exit the cooperation zone, and provide more high-quality services for the development of high-end talents in the cooperation zone. For domestic and overseas high-end talents and talents in short supply who work in the cooperation zone, the part of their personal income tax burden exceeding 15% will be exempted. The list management of high-end talents and talents in short supply who enjoy preferential policies shall be implemented. The specific management measures shall be researched and proposed by the Guangdong and Macao parties and submitted to the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Construction Leading Group for review and approval. Improve the visa policy for foreign talents and facilitate the participation of international talents in the construction of cooperation zones. Support the introduction of world-renowned universities. Build a national offshore innovation and entrepreneurship base for overseas talents.

3. Building a new home that facilitates the life and employment of Macao residents

(12) Attracting Macao residents to find employment and start a business. Professionals in the fields of finance, construction, planning, design and other fields with Macau and other overseas practice qualifications are allowed to provide services in the cooperation zone after filing, and their overseas experience can be regarded as the domestic experience if they meet the requirements of industry regulatory requirements. Support the adoption of facilitation measures in the cooperation zone and encourage professionals in the medical field with overseas qualifications such as Macau to obtain domestic practice qualifications in accordance with the law. Build a high-level group of maker spaces, incubators and scientific research and innovation carriers such as the Hengqin Macau Youth Entrepreneurship Valley and Sino-Portuguese Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship Base, and build a whole-chain service ecosystem. Promote Macau youths who are innovative and entrepreneurial in the cooperation zone to simultaneously enjoy the supporting policies of Guangdong and Macau. Various measures have been taken to encourage enterprises in the cooperation zone to absorb Macao youth employment. For Macao residents working in the cooperation zone, the part of their personal income tax burden exceeding Macao's tax burden will be exempted.

(13) Strengthen cooperation with Macau society and people's livelihood. Accelerate the construction of the "Macao New Neighborhood", link up with Macao's education, medical, social services and other public services and social security systems, and effectively expand the quality of life of Macao residents. Promote the full liberalization of Macau's motor vehicles to facilitate the entry and exit of the cooperation zone. Support Macao's medical and health service providers to set up medical institutions in the form of sole proprietorship, joint venture or cooperation, and gather international and professional medical service resources. Designated medical institutions are permitted to use urgently clinically needed drugs and formula foods for special medical purposes that have been registered in Macau, as well as the use of urgently needed clinically needed medical devices that have been purchased and used by public hospitals in Macau and have advanced clinical applications (except for large-scale medical equipment). Research supports Guangdong and Macao to jointly build regional medical consortia and regional medical centers to enhance the joint response to public health emergencies. Establish a social service cooperation mechanism between the cooperation zone and Macao to promote the development of community governance and service integration between the two places. Significantly reduce and gradually abolish long-distance and cross-border roaming charges for mobile phones between the cooperation zone and Macau.

(14) Promote the interconnection of infrastructure facilities. Support the extension of the Macau light rail to the cooperation zone to connect with the Zhuhai urban rail network and integrate into the mainland rail transit network. Accelerate the construction of corridors connecting the cooperation zone to surrounding areas, and orderly advance the planning and construction of Guangzhou-Zhuhai (Macau) high-speed rail, Nansha-Zhuhai (Zhongshan) intercity railway and other projects. Strengthen the functional coordination and industrial linkage between the cooperation zone, Zhuhai Airport and Zhuhai Port.

Fourth, build a new system that integrates with Macau and is open to a high level

(15) The "first line" of goods is released and the "second line" is under control. Regarding the liberalization of the “first-line”, the “first-line” entry and exit of goods between the cooperation zone and Macao (except for the goods in the transit cooperation zone) will continue to implement filing management, and the declaration procedures and elements will be further simplified. Study and adjust the policy of Hengqin's non-exempt (bonded) goods list. Except for goods and articles that are not exempt (bonded) specified by national laws and administrative regulations, other goods and articles are exempt from (bonded) entry. In terms of “second-line” management, duty-free (bonded) goods entering the mainland from the cooperation zone via the “second-line” shall go through customs procedures in accordance with the relevant regulations on imported goods, and collect customs duties and import-link taxes. For the goods produced by enterprises in the cooperation zone that do not contain imported materials or contain imported materials that have a value added of 30% or more in the cooperation zone, import tariffs will be exempted when entering the mainland through the "second line". Relevant goods entering the cooperation zone through the "second line" from the mainland are deemed to be exported, and value-added tax and consumption tax rebates will be implemented in accordance with the current tax policies. Study and adjust the scope of goods to which the tax rebate policy is applicable, and implement negative list management.

(16) It is highly convenient for personnel to enter and exit. On the basis of mutual agreement and ensuring safety, the "front line" actively promotes cooperative inspection and one-time customs clearance, continuously improves the level of customs clearance, strictly implements health and quarantine and border inspections, and supervises the luggage carried by entry and exit personnel in accordance with the law. . Accelerate the construction of a dedicated passage between the Hengqin campus of the University of Macau and the Hengqin port, and explore the construction of a new intelligent port between the Hengqin campus of the University of Macau and the cooperation zone, which will greatly facilitate the entry and exit of the teachers and students of the University of Macau. "Second-line" does not impose restrictions on the entry and exit of personnel, and studies and formulates appropriate taxation policies for goods entering the mainland via the "second-line" in the cooperation zone, and supervises them in accordance with regulations.

(17) Innovating cross-border financial management. Strengthen the linkage between the financial market in the cooperation zone and the offshore financial markets of Macau and Hong Kong, explore the construction of an electronic fence system, and promote the first to open up the financial market in the cooperation zone. In accordance with the principles of national overall planning, service entities, controllable risks, and step-by-step progress, explore the free inflow and outflow of cross-border capital and promote capital account convertibility in the cooperation zone. Guide banks to improve financial service levels, further promote the facilitation of new international trade settlements such as cross-border e-commerce, and achieve pre-examination of bank authenticity audits turn to post-inspection. In the cross-border direct investment transaction link, simplified management in accordance with the pre-entry national treatment plus negative list model, improved the registration and exchange convenience of the exchange link, and explored cross-border investment management that adapts to new forms of market demand. In the field of cross-border financing, explore the establishment of a new foreign debt management system, pilot the foreign debt management framework for the merger transaction link, improve the management of the foreign debt registration system for the issuance of enterprises, fully implement the full-scale macro-prudential management of cross-border financing, and steadily expand the scope of cross-border asset transfers. Enhance the level of facilitation of the exchange of foreign debt funds. Support non-financial enterprises that meet certain conditions, under the full-scope cross-border financing macro-prudential management framework, independently borrow foreign debts according to actual financing needs, and gradually realize full convertibility under the foreign debts of non-financial enterprises in the cooperation zone. In the field of cross-border securities investment and financing, focus on serving the investment and financing needs of the real economy, supporting the development of industries with characteristics and comparative advantages in the cooperation zone, and actively supporting overseas listings and bond issuance to simplify exchange management.

(18) Establish a highly convenient market access system. Implement the market access commitment system, strictly implement the "non-prohibition-based access", and in principle, cancel permits and approvals for areas with mandatory standards under the premise of "be able to manage", establish a sound filing system, and market entities promise The investment and business activities can be carried out if the relevant requirements are met and the relevant materials are submitted for filing. Continuously relax restrictions on the qualification requirements, shareholding ratio, and industry access for various investors to conduct investment and trade in the cooperation zone. Formulate and promulgate special measures to relax market access for cooperation zones. Strengthen supervision during and after the event, and establish regulatory standards and regulatory systems that are in line with Macao and internationally.

(19) Promote the safe and orderly flow of international Internet data across borders. Under the framework of the national data cross-border transmission security management system, carry out pilot data cross-border transmission security management, research and build a green channel for fixed network access to the Internet, and explore the formation of a mechanism that can facilitate data flow and ensure security. Support relevant universities and scientific research institutions in Zhuhai and Macau to realize the cross-border interconnection of scientific research data under the premise of ensuring the security of personal information and important data.

Fifth, improve the new system for Guangdong and Macao to discuss, build, manage and share

(20) Establish a development and management agency for the cooperation zone. Under the leadership of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Construction Leading Group, Guangdong and Macao jointly established a cooperation zone management committee to make overall decisions on major plans, major policies, major projects, and important personnel appointments and removals within the scope of their powers. The management committee of the cooperation zone implements a dual director system. The governor of Guangdong Province and the chief executive of the Macao Special Administrative Region shall jointly serve. The Macao Special Administrative Region appoints an executive deputy director, and the Guangdong and Macao sides negotiate to determine other deputy directors. Member units include relevant departments of Guangdong Province and Macao Special Administrative Region, Zhuhai Municipal Government, etc.

(21) Establish a development execution agency for the cooperation zone. The executive committee is set up under the management committee of the cooperation zone, which performs the functions of international promotion, investment promotion, industry introduction, land development, project construction, and people's livelihood management of the cooperation zone. The main person in charge of the executive committee is appointed by the government of the Macao Special Administrative Region, and Guangdong Province and Zhuhai City will send personnel to participate in the coordination work involving Guangdong Province. Guangdong and Macao should form development and investment companies as needed, and cooperate with the executive committee to do a good job in the development and construction of the cooperation zone.

(22) Do a good job in territorial management of the cooperation zone. The cooperation zone was upgraded to the management of Guangdong Province. Establish agencies dispatched by the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government to focus on party building, national security, criminal justice, social security, etc., perform territorial management functions, and actively cooperate with the cooperation zone management and executive agencies to promote the development and construction of the cooperation zone.

(23) Establish a profit sharing mechanism for the cooperation zone. Support Guangdong and Macao to explore the establishment of a revenue sharing mechanism in the cooperation zone. All investment income will be left to the management of the cooperation zone before 2024 for the development and construction of the cooperation zone. The central government grants subsidies to the cooperation zones. The subsidies are linked to the cooperation zones' attracting Macao enterprises to settle in and expanding employment, increase the real economy's output value, and support the key industries identified in this plan. The amount of subsidies does not exceed the central government's tax sharing in the cooperation zone.

(Twenty-four) Establish a normalized evaluation mechanism. Innovate the statistical methods of the national economy of the cooperation zone, study and compile the indicator system for the cooperation zone to promote the moderately diversified economic development of Macao, and fully reflect the contribution to the promotion of the moderately diversified economic development of Macao. Based on the status quo of land development in Hengqin, the cooperation zone's future transfer of new construction land should directly serve to support the moderately diversified economic development of Macao. Organize an annual evaluation of the effectiveness of the construction of the cooperation zone and the promotion of the moderately diversified economic development of Macao, and the evaluation results will be reported to the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Construction Leading Group.

Six, safeguard measures

(25) Comprehensively strengthen party leadership and party building in cooperation areas. Persist and strengthen the party's overall leadership, enhance the "four consciousnesses", strengthen the "four self-confidence", and achieve "two safeguards", so that the party's leadership will run through the entire process of development and construction of the cooperation zone. Implement the general requirements of party building in the new era, put the party’s political building in the first place, adapt to the new model of development and construction of the cooperation zone and the new requirements of opening up, actively innovate the party building work in the international environment, and take advantage of the party’s political and organizational advantages. It has been transformed into a strong guarantee for the comprehensive deepening of reform and opening up of the cooperation zone.

(26) Strengthen the protection of the rule of law. Give full play to the advantages of the "one country, two systems" system, and gradually build an institutional system that integrates civil and commercial rules with Macao and internationally under the premise of following the Constitution and the Basic Law of the Macao Special Administrative Region. Study and formulate regulations for the cooperation zone to provide institutional guarantees for the long-term development of the cooperation zone. Make full use of the legislative power of the Zhuhai Special Economic Zone, allowing Zhuhai to base itself on the needs of the reform and innovation practice of the cooperation zone, and make modifications to laws, administrative regulations, and local regulations in accordance with authorization. Strengthen judicial exchanges and cooperation between Guangdong and Macao, and establish and improve diversified commercial dispute resolution mechanisms such as international commercial trials, arbitration, and mediation. To study, strengthen and expand the functions and roles of the courts in the Hengqin New District, and provide efficient and convenient judicial services and guarantees for the construction of the cooperation zone.

(27) Increase the degree of empowerment. Support the cooperation zone to apply for authorization in the form of a list to deepen reforms and expand opening in key areas such as economic management, business environment, and market supervision. Regarding reform and opening up policies and measures involving the need to adjust existing laws, the relevant parties shall submit relevant proposals to the National People’s Congress or its Standing Committee in accordance with legal procedures, and implement them upon authorization or decision; for those involving the need to adjust current administrative regulations, the relevant parties shall follow the statutory regulations. The procedure shall be implemented after being submitted to the State Council for authorization or decision.

(28) Establish a sound risk management mechanism. The more open, the more we must pay attention to safety, strengthen bottom line thinking, enhance risk prevention awareness, and timely study and deal with various risks in the process of reform and opening up in the cooperation zone. Comprehensive use of inspection, verification, investigation, anti-smuggling and other supervision methods to severely crack down on illegal and criminal activities such as smuggling. Establish an anti-money laundering, anti-terrorist financing, and anti-tax evasion financial monitoring and management system, and build a financial “firewall”. The Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation, together with relevant departments, strengthen the supervision and inspection of the implementation of fiscal and taxation policies in the cooperation zone to prevent violations of laws and regulations. For restricted control, high-risk commodities, etc., joint port inspections and market entry supervision shall be implemented in accordance with the law, and the national security bottom line shall be strictly adhered to.

(Twenty-nine) strengthen organization and implementation. Under the leadership of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Construction Leading Group, Guangdong and Macao should earnestly fulfill their main responsibilities, accelerate the establishment of an open, shared, and operationally effective system and management mechanism, and promote the construction of cooperation zones with high standards and high quality. The management committee of the cooperation zone shall promptly formulate an implementation plan, and clarify the specific plan and detailed division of responsibilities of the development management and execution agencies in accordance with the regulations. In accordance with the new requirements for the development of the cooperation zone, the "Hengqin Overall Development Plan" was revised. The relevant departments of the central and state agencies should combine their own functions, formulate specific measures, increase guidance and support for the construction of cooperation zones, and regard the cooperation zones as experimental fields and pilot areas for deepening reforms and expanding opening up in this field. The National Development and Reform Commission worked with relevant departments to study and formulate a catalog of encouraged industries in the cooperation zone. The Office of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Construction Leading Group will strengthen overall coordination with relevant departments, study and solve the difficulties and problems encountered in the construction of the cooperation area in a timely manner, and report major issues to the Party Central Committee and the State Council for instructions in accordance with procedures. Editor/Xu Shengpeng


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