Speed ​​up the construction of the national water network in 2022
Seetao 2022-01-07 11:01
  • During the 14th Five-Year Plan period, the construction of major water conservancy projects will be promoted
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The construction of water conservancy projects is related to the basic living security of the people, and it is very important to construct a complete water network facility. Minister of Water Resources Li Guoying said at the 2022 National Water Conservancy Work Conference on January 6 that the implementation of major projects of the national water network and the improvement of the ability to optimize the allocation of water resources are one of the key tasks of water conservancy in 2022.

——Accelerate the construction of the national water network. The "Outline of the National Water Network Construction Plan" has been compiled to speed up the construction of the main skeleton and main artery of the national water network. Scientifically and orderly promote the high-quality development of the follow-up projects of the east and middle routes of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project, and carry out in-depth preliminary demonstrations of the west route. Accelerate the construction of water diversion projects in central Yunnan, water diversion from Han to Wei, river to Huaihe River, and key water source projects such as Dongtaizi Reservoir in Inner Mongolia and Bailai Reservoir in Fujian. Speed up the preliminary work of major water conservancy projects such as the allocation of water resources around the Beibu Gulf and the water diversion of the Xiong'an Main Canal in Hebei, and improve the national backbone water supply infrastructure network.

——Promote the construction of provincial water network. All localities effectively plan and implement the tasks of water network construction in the region, do a good job of effectively connecting with the national water network construction layout and key tasks, focus on promoting the construction of backbone water system channels and deployment hubs in the province, and strengthen the national major water resources allocation project and regional importance. Interconnection of water resources allocation projects.

-Open up the "last mile" of the national water network. Relying on the regulation and control of the national backbone network and the provincial water network, optimize the layout of rivers and lakes in cities and counties. Strengthen the continuous construction and modernization of large and medium-sized irrigation districts, and create a batch of modern digital irrigation districts. Promote the establishment of a number of modern irrigation areas in areas with suitable water and soil resources, such as the Sanjiang Plain in the Northeast, the Huanghuaihai Plain, the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, and the southwest.

It is understood that in 2021, 757.6 billion yuan will be invested in water conservancy construction nationwide. 67 of 150 major water conservancy projects have been approved and 62 projects have been started in total. Keywords: infrastructure, infrastructure construction, domestic engineering news, planning investment

In addition, according to the "Guiding Opinions on the Implementation of Major National Water Network Projects" recently issued by the Ministry of Water Resources, it is required to build a number of national water network backbone projects by 2025, and to implement the construction of provincial, municipal and county water networks in an orderly manner. A number of major water diversion and key water source projects have been completed, with an additional water supply capacity of 29 billion cubic meters; the level of urban and rural water supply security has been further improved, and the rural tap water penetration rate has reached 88%; the irrigation and drainage system of large and medium-sized irrigation districts has gradually improved, with newly added, 15 million mu of effective irrigation area was restored; digital, networked, intelligent and refined dispatching levels were effectively improved. Editor/Xu Shengpeng


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