According to the Russian satellite news agency sputniknews, according to a report by the Center for Global Development, China ranks first in the amount of foreign direct investment in infrastructure in African countries.
According to the report, Chinese banks’ FDI in African countries between 2007 and 2020 was 2.5 times greater than all other FDI combined. Investment enthusiasm peaked in 2017, when Chinese development finance institutions invested $7.7 billion in African infrastructure. Investments in 2020 have since declined slightly to $2.6 billion. accounted for 57% of all direct foreign investment in this sector.
Overall, during the aforementioned period, China has financed infrastructure projects in Africa through the China Exim Bank system, which has allocated US$20.1 billion to African countries over 13 years, and through the China Development Bank (US$2.9 billion). Keywords: One Belt One Road, One Belt One Road News, One Belt One Road Project
From 2007 to 2020, African countries have attracted an average of US$9 billion per year to realize infrastructure projects. The main source of funds is bilateral investment projects involving banks from China, the United States, the Netherlands, Japan, Germany and other countries.Editor/XuNing
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