Sichuan Guangyuan 14th Five-Year Plan to implement 9 major projects
Seetao 2022-02-16 11:29
  • Sichuan Guangyuan ensures the quality and efficiency of key project construction through plans
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In the post-epidemic era, with the recovery of the economy, the construction progress of major projects in various places has continued to advance. Recently, the Guangyuan Municipal People's Government issued the "Guangyuan City's "14th Five-Year Plan" Public Service and Employment Promotion Plan" (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan"), which is comprehensive and fundamental to promoting the city's "14th Five-Year Plan" public service development and employment promotion. , guiding role. The "Planning" proposes that during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, there will be education for the young, education for learning, medical care for the sick, care for the elderly, housing for the elderly, support for the weak, excellent military services, cultural and sports services, There are 55 key projects in 9 major employment promotion projects, with a planned total investment of 79.2 billion yuan.

The "Plan" pointed out that during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, improving the public service system and implementing the employment priority strategy will enhance the people's sense of gain, happiness and security, promote the all-round development of human beings and the all-round social progress, and accelerate the construction of Sichuan It is of great significance to be a modern central city in the Shaanxi-Gansu fringe.

The "Plan" designed 38 indicators, including 13 binding indicators and 25 expected indicators. The path of promoting the equalization of basic public services through standardization has been clarified, and for the first time, non-basic public services with wider coverage, richer service content and higher demand level, and high-quality and diversified life that can closely cooperate with public services and are connected in an orderly manner Services are simultaneously included in the planning scope, and supporting policies to systematically improve the effectiveness of public services and employment promotion are proposed. By 2025, the public service system with basic public services and inclusive public services as the main body and high-quality and diversified life services as beneficial supplements will be more complete, and the government will ensure the supply of basic public services, social pluralism participation, and the common construction and sharing of the whole people. The pattern is basically formed. Editor / Xu Shengpeng


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