Guangzhou Port Nansha Phase IV Automation Equipment Returns
Seetao 2022-02-17 16:15
  • Guangzhou Port Nansha Phase IV Terminal has 9 quay cranes, 12 rail cranes, and 58 IGVs connected to the automation system
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On February 15, 2022, the "Zhenhua 31" ship carrying 5 automated rail cranes and 1 fixed crane at the Nansha Phase IV Automation Terminal of Guangzhou Port slowly berthed at the 2# berth of the Nansha Phase IV Sea Ship Terminal with the assistance of a tugboat. , So far, the first batch of automation equipment of Nansha Phase IV Automation Terminal has all "arrived at home" for reunion.

The ship is the first equipment ship to arrive at the port in the Spring of the Tiger. In order to ensure the smooth arrival and unloading of automation equipment, the Nansha Phase IV has made berthing planning and preparations in advance. and other materials, the ship berthing procedures were completed before the festival; during the Spring Festival, personnel were arranged to stick to their posts, take turns to be on duty at the site, follow up the condition of the unloading site every day, and ensure that the ship berthing and equipment landing conditions are met; the fourth phase technical team Maintain close communication with Zhenhua's technical team, jointly study safe and stable berthing plans, and formulate various safety measures such as epidemic prevention and control, fire emergency response, etc.; All preparations for unloading.

The first batch of automation equipment of Guangzhou Port Nansha Phase IV Automation Terminal includes 10 quay cranes, 35 rail cranes, 70 IGVs and 1 fixed crane, etc., and will be delivered to Nansha in batches from January 30, 2021. There are 9 quay cranes, 12 rail cranes, and 58 IGVs connected to the automatic joint commissioning system to escort the normalized real ship operations.Editor/Ma Xue


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