Construction of Shandong Weifang Energy Storage Power Station plant started
Seetao 2022-03-17 11:53
  • The installed capacity of Weifang Pumped Storage Power Station is 1.2 million kilowatts, which is one of the major projects in Shandong
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On the morning of March 15, 2022, the construction of the main and auxiliary workshops of the Weifang Pumped Storage Power Station, which was built by the China Railway 14th Bureau Group, officially started, marking the official entry of the water transmission and power generation system into the main construction stage, which will lay the foundation for the power generation of the first unit of the power station.

Rendering of Weifang Pumped Storage Power Station

Shandong Weifang Pumped Storage Power Station has an installed capacity of 1.2 million kilowatts. It is the fourth storage power station in Shandong Province and one of the major projects for the conversion of old and new kinetic energy in Shandong Province. After completion, it will be connected to Shandong power grid and undertake tasks such as peak regulation, valley filling, frequency regulation, phase regulation and emergency backup, which can effectively alleviate the lack of peak regulation capacity of Shandong power grid, strongly support the development of new energy in Shandong Province, and significantly improve the operation of Shandong power grid. Safety, stability and economy.

The power station is mainly composed of buildings such as lower reservoir, water delivery system, underground powerhouse and ground switch station.

In order to ensure the smooth start of the main and auxiliary workshops, the project held several technical analysis meetings to optimize the design plan, arrange the construction period reasonably, write and improve the excavation and support construction plan for the first floor of the workshop, actively communicate and coordinate with external experts, and conduct plan review.

In order to improve the construction efficiency, the project adopts mechanized construction, and is equipped with mechanized construction equipment such as three-arm rock drilling rigs and wet jetting machines, which lays a solid foundation for the smooth construction of the project.

As a reliable energy storage method, the pumped storage power station will become an important part of the new power system with new energy as the main body. After the completion of the power station, it can reduce carbon dioxide emissions by about 500,000 tons per year, help achieve the "double carbon goal" and promote the sustainable development of the local ecological environment.

State Grid Xinyuan Weifang Pumped Storage Power Station Company Zhang Jiakun said that after the completion of the power station, it will effectively alleviate the problem of insufficient peak shaving capacity of Shandong power grid, strongly support the development of new energy in Shandong Province, and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by about 500,000 tons per year, helping to achieve "double carbon" target.Editor/Ma Xue


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