There are new employees in the EMU 4S store, who are small and powerful!
Seetao 2022-03-31 09:26
  • Responsible for checking the equipment and accessories of the undercarriage of the EMU
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At the bottom of the Smart Fuxing, this little guy flexibly waving a robotic arm to fire a red laser is an intelligent detection robot.

Smart homework

The intelligent inspection robot is responsible for inspecting the equipment and accessories of the undercarriage of the EMU, and operates in the stock lane of the EMU maintenance warehouse.

At present, the maintenance warehouse of Chaoyang EMU of Beijing EMU has two lanes with special tracks. The two robots can perform intelligent inspection for two sets of intelligent Fuxing EMUs at the same time.

On this special track, the "robot" can run from the head car to the tail car of the EMU, and independently complete the inspection of the 8-car intelligent Fuxing EMU.

Fuxing No. Photographer

The technician first uses the handheld terminal to check the status of the intelligent detection robot, confirms the operating track environment and then issues the starting command, and the robot will drive into the bottom of the intelligent Fuxing vehicle along the track.

Using lidar navigation and positioning technology, the robot accurately runs under the bogie and starts to wave the robotic arm to accurately scan the key components under the vehicle.

The two highly flexible mechanical arms of the robot carry a graphics acquisition device, which has the ability to operate in complex spaces and can perform all-round inspection of the bogie.

To detect a group of 8-car intelligent Fuxing EMUs, the robot needs to collect 920 high-definition pictures.

After collecting high-definition pictures, the robot will use an image algorithm that combines deep learning and feature recognition to compare with the pictures in the database to quickly identify equipment abnormalities.

The robot can send its own status and identified equipment abnormality information to the handheld terminal in real time to provide data support for the mechanic's re-inspection.

Manual maintenance assistant

The intelligent detection robot can simulate manual operations and achieve the resolution of the human eye, especially effectively solving the problems of false detection and missed detection in manual inspection.

The intelligent Fuxing EMU detection robot has added 36 photo shooting tasks for key parts such as the bottom temperature sensor and the brake disc. The data connection between the robot and the host computer also adopts gigabit network transmission to analyze the data of one car. After that, it only takes 2 minutes to post back, which is twice as fast as before.

In the near future, with the help of this equipment, the first-level maintenance operation of EMUs will be transformed from "manual inspection" to "machine inspection" operation mode, which will reduce the labor intensity of operators and improve the detection accuracy. (Please indicate for reprint) Engineering Column Editor/Wang Xia


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