CIMC achieves the best performance in history in 2021
Seetao 2022-03-31 10:18
  • CIMC Group provides customers with one-stop high-quality solutions, with outstanding achievements
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On the evening of March 28, 2022, CIMC Group released its 2021 annual performance report. According to the report, CIMC's annual revenue in 2021 will be about 163.7 billion yuan, exceeding 100 billion yuan for the first time, a year-on-year increase of 74%; its operating profit will reach 13.47 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 81%, greatly setting the best performance record in history.

Revenue soared by 70% and exceeded 100 billion for the first time, a gift for the 40th anniversary of CIMC's commissioning

In 2021, CIMC's revenue is 163.7 billion, which is a substantial increase again on the basis of the historical peak of 94.2 billion in 2020. It has continuously exceeded the two thresholds of 100 billion and 150 billion, and the growth rate has reached the fastest in the past decade. .

Seeking progress from a high position, bravely taking responsibility, and working hard to start a new situation. In the past year, CIMC has made great progress at a high level, with operating income and operating profit exceeding 100 billion and 10 billion respectively, net profit attributable to the parent of RMB 6.665 billion, a year-on-year increase of 25%, outstanding contribution to operating profit, and a stable debt ratio of 63%. , ROE increased to 15%, development speed and asset quality have been significantly improved.

Based on the excellent performance in 2021, CIMC plans to distribute an annual dividend of RMB 0.69 per share in cash to shareholders. The cash dividend plan accounts for 38.22% of the adjusted net profit attributable to the parent, which is at a historically high level; In comparison, CIMC also proposed to transfer 5 shares for every 10 shares to all shareholders with the capital reserve. At the same time, CIMC also announced the core personnel shareholding plan (draft) with a 10-year renewal period, reflecting the firm confidence of CIMC management in the long-term development of CIMC.

 CIMC's outstanding performance in 2021 far exceeds that of previous years, making the past year a highlight in CIMC's 40-year development history, and a generous gift for its upcoming 40th anniversary of production.

In the past year, CIMC has continued to strengthen, optimize and expand the logistics and energy equipment business, forward-looking strategically emerging businesses, and promote the synergy of its various segments by strengthening the innovative business model of top-level design, showing overall financial stability and solid business. good development trend. In the past year, all CIMC people have adhered to the enterprise spirit of "constant self-improvement and pursuit of excellence", seized the historic opportunity, and delivered a dazzling answer to shareholders and the society.

Focusing on the advantages of the business, the results are obvious, and the performance of each main business is outstanding

In 2021, CIMC will adhere to the main development tone of "focusing on advantageous businesses and promoting qualitative growth", and will continue to integrate the advantages of equipment manufacturing + services in the logistics and energy industries to consolidate its position as an industry leader.

In the past year, the main business segments of CIMC and the companies directly managed by the group have contributed enormously to the “quality growth” of CIMC. The 2021 annual report shows that the six major sectors of container, vehicle, energy and chemical, Tianda, marine engineering and logistics contributed more than 90% of CIMC's total revenue last year, indicating that CIMC's strategy of focusing on advantageous main businesses has achieved remarkable results.

The report shows that in 2021, the CIMC container segment will achieve an operating income of 65.967 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 197.64%, and a net profit of 11.327 billion yuan. The revenue of the vehicle segment was 27.648 billion yuan, a new record high, with a net profit of 988 million yuan. The revenue of the energy, chemical and food equipment sector was 19.528 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 46.92%, and the net profit was 885 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 145.57%. Tianda Holdings, whose main business is airport and logistics equipment, fire fighting and rescue equipment, has an operating income of 6.842 billion yuan and a net profit of 193 million yuan. The revenue of the logistics service segment was 29.471 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 177%, and the net profit was 542 million yuan, both hitting a record high. As a newly established business unit of CIMC about 2 years ago, CIMC Recycling Vehicles achieved revenue of more than 6 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 98%, and a net profit of 577 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 512%, breaking the historical record year after year. After excluding the impact of impairment, the offshore engineering segment also achieved a substantial reduction in losses.

In the past year, the main businesses of CIMC Group continued to deepen the market of the champion product business, and continued to consolidate the market leader position. Some champion products reached new highs, and at the same time, they continued to implement industrial upgrading projects and launch innovative products.

In 2021, due to the double impact of the epidemic and the shipping cycle, international container shipping will enter a period of high prosperity. CIMC has made every effort to increase production when containers are in short supply, help China "stabilize foreign trade", ensure the demand for export containers, and contribute to stabilizing the global supply chain system. In the container business, under the new production method, the production efficiency of standard dry cargo containers increased by 64%, and the production and sales volume of containers reached a record high.

The road transportation vehicle business will sell over 200,000 vehicles of various types globally in 2021; data from various professional associations of automobiles in China show that the sales volume of concrete mixer trucks of CIMC Vehicles has ranked first in the country for five consecutive years, and its market share has climbed to 29.3%; overseas markets The business rebounded rapidly, the advantages of trans-oceanic operations were highlighted, and the global leading position was further enhanced. For the road transportation vehicle business, overseas manufacturing and assembly plants in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom have been put into operation one after another. At the same time, new structural design routes have been developed and lightweight composite materials have been developed.

The three main tracks of energy, chemical and liquid food equipment business achieved rapid development, the clean energy core storage and transportation equipment and technology maintained a leading position in China, the chemical tank container maintained the first global sales volume, and the liquid food business further advanced in wine brewing equipment Consolidated overseas leading advantages, made breakthroughs in China, and obtained orders for liquor brewing engineering and equipment for the first time. Substantial breakthroughs have been made in the development of high-end cryogenic equipment products such as liquid helium tanks and storage tanks in the energy and chemical sector.

The boarding bridge in the airport equipment business continues to be the world champion, and continues to integrate its businesses to grow into a complete airport ground support equipment solution provider focusing on the boarding bridge business, helping domestic and overseas airports to transform into smart airports and green airports.

The offshore engineering business achieved an incremental order value of US$1.45 billion, the highest in the history of the company since its transformation and upgrading. Delivered projects in batches and accumulated a new round of performance. The world's first 100,000-ton deepwater semi-submersible production and storage platform "Shenhai No. 1" was delivered and set sail. The layout of the new track is accelerated, and wind power and fishery are developing in depth.

The logistics service business relies on the advantageous resources of CIMC Group to actively promote innovative businesses such as Xijiang new energy, cold chain, LNG, and steel logistics. The construction of 20 Xijiang LNG ships in the first phase has been started and will be put into operation soon. Make up for the multimodal air transport capacity, with an annual air transport volume of 80,000 tons. Innovative shipping SOC products, with an annual shipping volume of 50,000 TEU, further consolidating the position of the dominant route.

Sectors synergistically create strategic emerging business portfolios and build new growth drivers

In terms of business development, in 2021, under the new national development pattern of "dual circulation", CIMC will promote the emergence of a number of high-quality businesses and innovations in various industries through strategies and actions such as technological innovation, integration of industrialization and industrialization, model innovation, and domestic business expansion. Products and collaborative solutions to promote the realization of the three-year strategic planning goals of the Group and each industry. In 2021, CIMC's domestic business revenue will be 78.8 billion yuan, a net increase of 22 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 39%, and phased progress has been made in the internal circulation strategy.

In recent years, based on the equipment manufacturing industry, in line with the national strategic development direction, CIMC has actively leveraged its advantages in the logistics and energy industries, devoted itself to solving industry shortcomings, and created “cold chain logistics”, “clean energy” and “green water”. The strategic emerging business portfolio of “Qingshan” and “Rural Revitalization” will build new growth drivers during the 14th Five-Year Plan period.

These businesses have also grown significantly in 2021. In terms of cold chain logistics, in 2021, CIMC's cold chain logistics business will continue to grow. CIMC's cold chain equipment matrix covers the whole course of sea, land and air, covering the entire transportation process, breaking the monopoly of Europe and the United States, and developing the first active aviation temperature control box; cold chain transportation services rely on the multimodal transportation network, and the food cold chain is established. The benchmark in the cross-border fruit transportation industry in Southeast Asia, the combined mobile cold storage won the "2021 Chinese Entrepreneur Innovation Award", providing "convenient, fast, and asset-light" cold chain storage solutions in agricultural product distribution and fresh food e-commerce urban distribution; medical cold chain is based on self-developed Technological innovations such as phase-change cold storage materials (temperature up to -80 degrees Celsius), medical temperature control boxes, cloud platforms, etc., solve the global vaccine transport scheme.

In terms of clean energy business, CIMC has proactively deployed new technologies and new businesses in the clean energy track, and built an equipment and service ecosystem in the field of renewable energy. Currently, it has formed a combination of tracks such as hydrogen energy, offshore wind power, and energy storage. CIMC has been deeply engaged in the deployment of hydrogen energy for 16 years, and is promoting the application and commercialization of hydrogen production, hydrogen storage, hydrogen transportation, hydrogen refueling, and hydrogen use. Liquid hydrogen storage and transportation and mobile hydrogen refueling station equipment, and manufactured the world's first liquid sunlight on-site hydrogen production and hydrogenation equipment. During the Beijing Winter Olympics, a series of hydrogen energy products provided by CIMC contributed to the demonstration of carbon neutrality in the Winter Olympics.

In terms of marine clean energy, CIMC's high-end offshore equipment manufacturing capabilities have rapidly moved to the field of offshore wind power equipment and installation. service, and established an offshore wind power operation and maintenance service company to enter the blue ocean market of offshore wind farm operation and maintenance. The energy storage equipment in the container sector provides stable, safe and energy-efficient containerized energy storage equipment for wind power and photovoltaic power plants. The energy logistics service strategically deploys the energy logistics market and opens a new chapter in the combined transportation of LNG energy and chemical industry.

In 2021, CIMC will take advantage of the equipment layout of the entire natural gas industry chain to accelerate the development of the oil-to-gas business for inland water and marine vessels, and provide high-quality, low-pollution and high-efficiency comprehensive solutions for the traditional transportation industry; Sign a strategic cooperation to jointly build a benchmark for inland water carbon reduction cases, and stimulate the "green" power of inland waterway shipping. Recycling vehicles further replace traditional disposable wooden vehicles in batches in the fields of new energy, home appliances, bulk commodities and other fields by means of recycling packaging, and practice the concept of green circular economy.

In terms of participating in "rural revitalization", in 2021, CIMC will focus on the two main lines of accelerating agricultural modernization and vigorously implementing rural construction actions, and will deeply promote the LPG micropipeline network and bamboo chain industry to help the country quickly realize the upgrading of rural energy infrastructure and farmers' use of energy. Can improve the structure. In addition, CIMC has also initiated strategic cooperation with Guangdong Supply and Marketing Group, and carried out in-depth cooperation in the fields of cold chain logistics backbone network construction, new logistics equipment, multimodal transport and cross-border logistics, industrial park development, etc., to effectively help rural revitalization.

CIMC has a rich and relevant diversified business portfolio, and in the above-mentioned multiple strategic emerging businesses, the synergy between its business segments and enterprises will play a very important role. Therefore, in the past year, CIMC has made great efforts to strengthen the top-level design and strengthen the synergy of the plates. In 2021, it has successfully implemented typical collaborative projects such as "gasification of Xijiang" and "one tank to the end".

In these projects, CIMC Group leveraged the advantages of top-level coordination and sector synergy, and its business sectors such as energy and chemical, logistics, vehicle, finance and other business sectors gave full play to their respective characteristics, and collaboratively provided customers with one-stop, whole-process high-quality solutions, and achieved excellent results. Significant results.

Innovative companies continue to cultivate and grow, and more than half of the companies have doubled their revenue and profits

In the composition of CIMC's strategic emerging businesses, in addition to the existing businesses in the original advantageous sectors, there are also innovative enterprises newly established and cultivated by the Group and sectors in recent years. An important carrier of strategic space, it has grown rapidly under the cultivation of the group and the sector, and will also achieve good performance in 2021.

As of the end of 2021, CIMC has a total of 24 registered innovative companies, with a total revenue of several billion yuan and a net profit of several hundred million yuan throughout the year. Among them, 13 companies have doubled their income and profits. While the scale of innovative business has increased, many breakthroughs have also been made in strategic key projects.

Among them, CIMC Mobile's cold storage business performed strongly, covering the "first" and "last" mile of cold chain logistics, and actively participating in the construction of Guangdong Province and the national cold chain backbone network.

CIMC IoT won the bid to build the world's largest robotic parking lot at Hong Kong Airport, boosting the interconnection of infrastructure in the Greater Bay Area.

As the main body of the implementation of the "Hundred Boxes Plan" of the largest single equipment-type marine ranch in Asia, CIMC Blue has delivered the first batch of cages. CIMC Blue will continue to rely on the R&D and manufacturing advantages of CIMC Offshore Equipment to promote the modernization, transformation and upgrading of domestic marine fisheries.

CIMC Modular Building has completed the construction of modular prefabricated schools in Shenzhen and other places, providing high-quality and efficient solutions for the rapid supply of new degrees in relevant regions. In addition, the transitional housing project of “Tongxin Village” in Yuen Long, Hong Kong, undertaken by CIMC Modular Construction, has been hoisted, which is an important achievement of CIMC’s in-depth development of the public transitional housing and public housing market in Hong Kong. Recently, the Hong Kong government has urgently requisitioned the "Tongxin Village" into an anti-epidemic isolation room, contributing to the fight against the epidemic for Hong Kong compatriots.

CIMC Cold Cloud escorts China's vaccines, and has successively provided solutions for the global transshipment of 6 major domestic new crown vaccine manufacturers, and has shipped more than 1 billion new crown vaccines.

CIMC Security was successfully approved as a national high-tech enterprise. Innovative companies such as CIMC Tongchuang, CIMC New Materials, CIMC Tianzhao, Trailer Gang, and Xiaofeiyu have also made great business progress.

Promoting production through financing: capital operation boosts industry focus and realizes transformation and upgrading

Capital operation and corporate strategy complement each other. In 2021, CIMC will continue to promote various sectors and directly managed enterprises to optimize resource allocation by means of capital operation, promote industrial focus, and realize transformation and upgrading.

CIMC Vehicles was officially listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange in July 2021. Like CIMC Group, it has achieved dual listing of A+H shares. CIMC Tianda, CIMC Enrui Huanke and CIMC World Lianda are also steadily advancing the listing process.

In 2021, CIMC will continue to optimize the shareholding structure and financial status of relevant companies through measures such as initiating wars. In June last year, Yantai State-owned Assets planned to invest 835 million yuan in cash to acquire a 16.7% stake in Yantai CIMC Raffles Marine Technology Group, which is an important step in the restructuring of CIMC Offshore.

In November 2021, CIMC Financial Leasing successfully introduced strategic investors such as Shenzhen Capital Group to join the state-owned financial service sector in Shenzhen. CIMC Financial Leasing will make full use of the resources brought by strategic investors to develop rapidly and steadily. This move will also enhance CIMC's ability to focus on the industry and is expected to continue to create good investment returns for CIMC.

In the past year, in addition to actively introducing high-quality strategic investors to its high-quality enterprises, CIMC and its related enterprises have also decisively invested in high-quality enterprises abroad according to their own business development needs to serve the implementation of business strategies.

In 2021, CIMC World Lianda has successively made strategic investments in high-quality enterprises at home and abroad, such as Shizhang Group, DELFIN GROUP, Jinyuanhao, etc., to achieve comprehensive coverage of global routes and upgrade to a leading domestic integrated logistics of "river, sea, rail, air and land" service provider.

In the past year, CIMC Containers, CIMC Enric and other companies have also been actively seeking and promoting foreign investment, investing in and purchasing relevant high-quality assets, and helping to implement their own business strategies.

Entering 2022, CIMC will continue to promote capital operation. In March 2022, CIMC Group, Shanghai Port Group and Yinshan Capital jointly increased capital in CIMC World Lianda Logistics Technology (Group) Co., Ltd., introducing a number of high-quality strategic investors to CIMC World Lianda.

These capital operation methods effectively promote the implementation of CIMC's strategy of optimizing its business structure.The implementation of key strategic measures such as these played an important role.

The main tone of 2022 operation: expand emerging industries, focus on high-quality growth

In terms of future work ideas, CIMC will set the main tone of its operation in 2022 as "expanding emerging industries and focusing on high-quality growth".

On the one hand, CIMC will vigorously expand emerging industries. Focusing on the two major themes of smart logistics and clean energy, we will expand to areas where the market has needs, the industry has shortcomings, and CIMC has the ability to gradually build a business portfolio that is anti-cyclical and stable in profit, so as to improve the overall sustainable operation return level of the group. Through investment and mergers and acquisitions, innovation incubation, industrial funds, etc., we will deploy and explore forward-looking industries, including cold chain, hydrogen energy, energy storage, offshore wind power, bamboo chain and other businesses, so as to reserve and cultivate strategic emerging businesses for CIMC.

On the other hand, CIMC will continue to focus on high-quality growth. Deepen the implementation of the strategic goal of "high-quality growth", and adhere to the strategy and business focus. Through a series of equity optimization and asset cleanup measures, the Company has identified advantageous businesses and increased resource investment to focus on high-quality growth. Through measures such as strengthening technological innovation, product intelligence, and promoting intelligent manufacturing, we will build an excellent operation demonstration enterprise, achieve financial stability, improve operational quality and efficiency, especially per capita efficiency, and continuously improve product added value while consolidating market share advantages. and service capabilities to enhance product value contribution.

Mai Boliang, Chairman and CEO of CIMC Group, said: "2022 marks the 40th anniversary of CIMC Group's commissioning. Over the past 40 years, CIMC Group has adhered to the enterprise spirit of 'unremitting self-improvement and pursuit of excellence', and has written a 'moving towards excellence'. CIMC's story of "world champion" and "making Chinese manufacturing win the world's respect" has developed into a well-known diversified multinational group at home and abroad. Under the new development pattern of "dual circulation", CIMC Group will continue to shoulder the responsibility of reform and opening up to give CIMC The original intention and mission of the company will be steady and far-reaching, and strive to forge ahead to a 'respected, high-quality world-class enterprise'!" Editor / He Yuting


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