New Energy
Daya Bay Petrochemical Zone Comprehensive Energy Station Project Started
Seetao 2022-03-31 11:00
  • The Daya Bay project will be planned in two phases, of which the investment of the first phase is about 3.8 billion yuan
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On the morning of March 29, 2022, the first concrete was poured for the comprehensive energy station project in Huizhou Daya Bay Petrochemical Zone, which marked the official start of construction of the project.

Daya Bay Project

The Daya Bay Project is a large-scale clean and high-efficiency gas turbine project planned by Guangdong Electric Power in the Greater Bay Area. It is located in the Petrochemical Industrial Park of the Daya Bay Economic and Technological Development Zone, Huizhou City. It has superior location advantages and unique industrial advantages. The project is jointly invested by Guangdong Electric Power, Huizhou Daya Bay Petrochemical Industrial Zone Investment Co., Ltd., and Huizhou Port Investment Group Co., Ltd. according to the proportion of 70%, 20%, and 10%. The project is planned in two phases, with a total investment of about 7 billion yuan.

The first phase of the project was approved on June 28, 2021, with an investment of about 3.8 billion yuan to build two 600MW gas-steam combined cycle units. It is the first domestic gas-hydrogen mixed fuel 9HA.01 gas turbine unit. With advanced indicators, a series of new technologies, new processes and new materials have been adopted to improve the comprehensive utilization rate of energy. The designed annual power generation is about 4.7 billion kWh and the heat supply is 11.12 million GJ. It is planned to be completed in September and December 2023 respectively. put into production.

Over the past year, under the unified deployment of Guangdong Energy Group and the strong promotion of Guangdong Electric Power, all the staff of the project company worked together to overcome difficulties, focus on epidemic prevention and control on one hand, and project advancement on the other, and successfully completed the construction of the maintenance building project. The main equipment, waste heat boiler and other procurement contracts were signed, the smart construction site was successfully put into use, third-party shareholders were introduced, and the preliminary construction of the Daya Bay project was efficiently promoted.

The Daya Bay project is a provincial key construction project that Guangdong Electric Power implements the new development concept, implements the development strategy of one core, one belt and one area, promotes the green and low-carbon development of energy, serves the economy and society of Guangdong, and contributes to the high-quality development of the Greater Bay Area. A comprehensive energy demonstration base that integrates carbon, advanced, efficient, intelligent, and multi-energy complementary integration. Editor/He Yuting


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