How to invest in 800 billion water conservancy projects in 2022?
Seetao 2022-04-10 09:58
  • Promote the high-quality development of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project and other major water diversion projects
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The State Council executive meeting held on April 9, 2022 pointed out that water conservancy projects are livelihood projects, development projects and safety projects. In 2022, another batch of projects that have been included in the plan and have mature conditions will be started. The annual investment in water conservancy projects and projects is about 800 billion yuan.

How will the investment of about 800 billion yuan in water conservancy projects be invested? Which major water conservancy projects will be started in 2022? How to promote project construction and expand effective investment? At the regular briefing on State Council policies held by the State Council Information Office on the 8th, relevant officials from the Ministry of Water Resources, the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Finance answered the above questions.

Ministry of Water Resources: Major projects such as the middle route of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project to divert the river to fill the Han Dynasty will start this year

In 2022, China will focus on advancing the preliminary work of 55 major water diversion projects, flood control and disaster reduction in key watersheds, key water sources, water ecological management and restoration, and smart water conservancy projects. The construction of the middle route of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project will begin during the year. , Guangdong water resources allocation projects around Beibu Gulf, etc.

Large and medium-sized irrigation areas are an important guarantee for national food security. Wei Shanzhong said that there are currently more than 7,000 large and medium-sized irrigation areas in my country, with an effective irrigation area of 520 million mu, which are the main producing areas of grain and important agricultural products. In 2022, the renovation of about 90 large-scale irrigation areas and more than 480 medium-sized irrigation areas will be implemented, and the newly restored and improved irrigation area will be more than 25 million mu. At the same time, actively build a number of modern irrigation areas.

Regarding the construction of water conservancy projects in flood control and preparation, Zhang Xiangwei, director of the Planning and Planning Department of the Ministry of Water Resources, said that there are mainly two aspects of work: First, to speed up the repair of water conservancy facilities damaged by water. Nearly 80% should be basically completed before the main flood season; the second is to do a good job in the safety of projects under construction during the flood season. Zhang Xiangwei said that the construction of water conservancy projects in 2022 will focus on "four safety" to ensure flood control safety, water supply safety, food safety and ecological safety. In promoting the construction of major water conservancy projects, great importance is attached to ecological and environmental protection.

National Development and Reform Commission: 3 major measures to promote the construction of major water conservancy projects

Wu Xiao, director of the Rural Economy Department of the National Development and Reform Commission, said that the National Development and Reform Commission will take water conservancy projects as an important area for moderately advanced infrastructure investment. There are three main measures to promote the construction of major water conservancy projects:

Accelerate the progress of the preliminary work of the project. Accelerate the preliminary work of major water conservancy projects, strengthen communication and coordination with relevant departments and localities, and speed up the progress of project approval in accordance with the project approval authority.

Increase investment support. Continue to optimize the investment structure and further tilt towards the construction of major water conservancy projects. For other water conservancy projects, further optimize the expenditure structure and take water conservancy projects as the priority direction of government investment. At the same time, all localities should give full play to the important role of special bonds in expanding effective investment in water conservancy.

Deepen the reform of water conservancy investment and financing. In accordance with the principles of marketization and the rule of law, deepen the reform of the investment and financing system and mechanism, and fully release the potential and space for the market-oriented reform of water conservancy.

Ministry of Finance: Support focuses on three focuses

The construction of water conservancy projects is inseparable from financial security. Jiang Dayu, head of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of the Ministry of Finance, said that in 2022, the Ministry of Finance will arrange 150.7 billion yuan through the general public budget, of which water conservancy development funds will reach 60.6 billion yuan; 57.2 billion yuan will be arranged through government funds, creating favorable conditions for expanding water conservancy investment in 2022. condition. At the same time, local government bonds have also increased support for water conservancy projects.

Adhere to goal orientation and result orientation, embodying three focuses

Focus on weaknesses. Increase the support for the reinforcement, repair and maintenance of small reservoirs, and support relevant regions to improve the safety monitoring capabilities of small reservoirs.

Focus on key areas. Actively support the follow-up project of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project. At the same time, increase support for new small reservoirs to promote the upgrading of rural water supply safety. In addition, the central government supports relevant major grain-producing provinces to speed up the water-saving transformation of medium-sized irrigation areas.

Focus on key areas. Focusing on promoting the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, promoting the ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River Basin, and supporting relevant areas to strengthen the connection of water systems, the construction of beautiful villages, the management of small and medium rivers, and the management and protection of rivers and lakes. Keywords: infrastructure, infrastructure construction, domestic engineering news

Jiang Dayu said that in the next step, the Ministry of Finance will promptly allocate relevant funds to support local governments to accelerate the construction of water conservancy projects, so as to better play the important role of water conservancy construction in benefiting people's livelihood, promoting investment and stabilizing growth.Editor/XuNing


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