Jabil Green Point Manufacturing Base Project settled in Wuxi
Seetao 2022-04-22 19:29
  • After the completion of the project, it will further enhance the intelligent and digital level of enterprise production
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On April 22, 2022, the Jabil Green Point AI intelligent terminal module R&D and manufacturing base project was signed and settled in Wuxi High-tech Zone. Du Xiaogang, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, made a video connection with Kenny Wilson, Executive Vice President of Jabil Group and President of Jabil Green Point, at the meeting. "Cloud" talks about friendship and development together.

Jabil Group is the third largest electronic manufacturing service provider in the world, and its products cover various fields such as computer peripheral equipment, data transmission, automation and consumer products. Wuxi is Jabil's most important production base in the world. The Jabil Greenpoint AI intelligent terminal module R&D and manufacturing base project, which was signed and settled this time, plans to invest 10 billion yuan to build the existing factory of Greenpoint Technology into an intelligent manufacturing base.

Du Xiaogang thanked Jabil Group for its long-term care and support for Wuxi's development. He said that Wuxi and Jabil Group have had a long-term relationship. As early as 2004, Jabil Group had established a layout in Wuxi and carried out cooperation in the design and manufacture of consumer electronic and mechanical components. After Jabil acquired Taiwan's Green Point Technology in 2007, the cooperation with Wuxi was further deepened. A number of high-quality projects such as 5G intelligent manufacturing industry base, wind energy core components and new energy storage batteries, and Wuxi R&D center in North Asia gathered in Wuxi.

This time, Jabil Green Point plans to invest 10 billion yuan to build an AI intelligent terminal module R&D and manufacturing base project in cooperation with Wuxi High-tech Zone, which fully reflects Jabil Group's affirmation and trust in Wuxi's development environment, and it is very important to enhance Jabil Group's global market. Competitiveness is of great significance, and it also provides opportunities for Wuxi to accelerate industrial transformation and promote high-quality development.

It is hoped that both parties will use this signing as a new starting point to accelerate the implementation of new projects, continue to consolidate the foundation of cooperation, expand areas of cooperation, and improve the level of cooperation, so as to jointly create a benchmark for Sino-US trade cooperation in the new era.

The Wuxi Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government will abide by the promise of "No Difficulties and Careful Handling", do a good job in ensuring the coordination of the industrial chain and supply chain under the normalized epidemic prevention and control, and make every effort to provide a good environment for the development of Jabil Group in Wuxi. "Let us look forward to an early victory over the epidemic of the century and work together to promote economic recovery!"

"Wuxi is a very representative smart city in China. It not only has a solid manufacturing foundation, high-quality talents, but also a first-class business environment!" said Kenny Wilson, Wuxi is an important base for the business development of Jabil Group , the two sides have maintained a positive interaction for a long time.

The rapid development of Jabil Group in Xi is inseparable from the support and help of the party committees and governments at all levels in Wuxi. Especially when the new crown pneumonia epidemic broke out in 2020, the Wuxi Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government immediately visited Jabil Green Point, caring and guiding the resumption of work and resumption. production, very impressive.

In the future, Jabil Group will continue to increase investment in Wuxi, build the existing factory of Greenpoint Technology into an intelligent manufacturing base, continuously improve the core competitiveness of the enterprise, and contribute to Wuxi's development of high-end manufacturing and the building of a modern industrial system. Editor/He Yuting


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