Recently, Prime Minister Akilbek Zaparov of Kyrgyzstan said that the construction of the China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan railway is scheduled to start in the autumn of 2022.
It is reported that after the completion of the project, the route from East Asia to the Middle East and Southern Europe will be shortened by about 900 kilometers, and the travel time will be reduced by 7-8 days. The project will promote the development of transportation infrastructure in Central Asian countries, provide them with easy access to Persian Gulf and Pacific ports, and stimulate the development and utilization of natural resources in the region.
Zaparov said that the Kyrgyz side is actively promoting the construction of the logistics center project on the Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan border. In addition, the feasibility study of the highway route connecting Kyzylkiya city and the Irkestan port on the Chinese border has begun to be formulated. Editor / Xu Shengpeng
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