The Jimei-Tongan section of Xiamen Metro Line 6 starts construction
Seetao 2022-06-15 15:18
  • The Jimei-Tong'an section of Line 6 has a total length of 30.7 kilometers, with a total of 17 stations along the line
  • The project consists of two parts: Jiatong section and Huabin section, with a maximum operating speed of 100 km/h
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On June 15, 2022, at the construction site of the Pantu Station of the Jimei-Tong'an Section of Rail Transit Line 6, the bits of six rotary drilling rigs were slowly embedded in the ground, marking the official start of construction of the Jimei-Tong'an Section of Line 6.

As the first subway line to go deep into Tong'an City, the Jimei-Tong'an section of Line 6 starts from Huaqiao University Station and ends at Tongxiang High-tech City Station, with a total length of 30.7 kilometers, from Jiageng Stadium to Tongxiang High-tech City (Jiatong Section) and Huaqiao University to Binhai West Avenue (Huabin Section), with a total of 17 stations, 1 main substation, 2 parking lots and 1 vehicle base will be built. Standard design and construction for automatic operation with a maximum operating speed of 100 km/h.

The project line connects the north and south of Tongxiang High-tech City, Tong'an Old City, the Meifeng Area in the East Sea Area and the skeleton line of Jimei East New City. In the future, it will be connected with existing and under-construction lines. Further improve the network function of the "medium-shaped" express line, build a "half-hour traffic circle in the city area", effectively meet the staged traffic needs of urban development, realize the 30-minute access to the island from Tong'an urban area, and help Xiamen's development around the bay and across the island.

In addition, in the future, the project will be connected to the Linhua section of Line 6 (ie, the Lindaixi-Huaqiao University section), and will also be seamlessly connected to the Zhangzhou Jiaomei section of the track, which will optimize the spatial structure of the Xiamen-Zhangzhou-Quan metropolitan area and further promote The coordinated development of the southwestern Fujian region plays an important role. Editor/He Yuting


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