The tunnel project of Guizhou section of Guinan high-speed railway is completed
Seetao 2022-07-15 11:34
  • The Guizhou section of the Guinan high-speed railway is about 199.6 kilometers long, with a bridge-tunnel ratio of 91%
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At 10:00 on July 13, 2022, the Qingmiaozhai Tunnel, the last tunnel of the Guizhou section of the Guizhou high-speed railway in Guizhou Province, was successfully completed, marking that the tunnel project of the Guizhou section of the Guinan high-speed railway has been completed.

Qingmiaozhai Tunnel is located in the junction of Longli County and Guiding County in Guizhou Province. The tunnel is a key control project of the Guizhou section of the Guizhou high-speed railway, with a total length of 8340 meters. The tunnel body passes through 5 faults and 2 contact zones between soluble rocks and insoluble rocks. The soluble rock section is about 1150 meters long, with complex geology and high Risk of water inrush and mud inrush; the rock mass of the whole tunnel is horizontal and thin layered, the inclination angle is small, and the tunnel vault is easy to collapse and drop blocks; the construction safety and construction period risks are extremely high, and it belongs to the second-level risk management tunnel, designed by the China Railway Second Institute. The China Railway Second Bureau undertakes the construction.

The Guinan high-speed railway is an important part of the Baotou-Hainan railway channel of China's eight vertical and eight horizontal railway network. After the high-speed railway is completed and opened to traffic, it will connect with Shanghai-Kunming, Chenggui, Yungui and other railways, and become the link between Sichuan, Chongqing, Guizhou and Northwest China to Nanning. , Beibu Gulf, western Guangdong, Hainan, convenient and fast passenger transport main channel.Editor/Ma Xue


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