Construction of the first phase of Changsha Metro Line 7 in Hunan starts
Seetao 2022-08-22 17:09
  • The first phase of Changsha Metro Line 7 has a total length of 16.84 kilometers and a total of 16 stations
  • After the completion of Line 7, it will seamlessly transfer with the Changzhou-Zhuzhou-Tanzhou Intercity Railway
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On August 20, 2022, at the construction site of the South Bus Station of Changsha South Bus Station, the comprehensive transportation hub of Changsha South Bus Station, more than 60 workers were under the scorching sun, and the crown beam support was poured to excavate the main foundation pit of the station. prepare. The staff learned from Changsha Rail Group on August 20 that all 16 stations on the first phase of Changsha Metro Line 7 (Yuntang Station - Wulipai Station) have all started construction, laying a solid foundation for the subsequent boom in main construction. Base.

Line 7 will seamlessly transfer with the Chang-Zhu-Tan Intercity Railway

It is understood that the first phase of Changsha Metro Line 7 starts from Yuntang Station in Tianxin District in the south, runs along Huijin Road, Shaoshan Road and Bayi Road to the north, and ends at Wulipai Station. The line is 16.84 kilometers long and has 16 stations. (including 9 transfer stations), the engineering geological conditions and environment along the line are relatively complex, land acquisition and demolition, traffic relief, pipeline relocation, and greening relocation are difficult, and they have passed through Changsha-Zhuzhou-Tanzhou Intercity Railway, Beijing-Guangzhou Railway and Changsha Metro No. 2 successively. , Line 6, Line 3, Line 4, the total investment of the project is 16.4 billion yuan, and it is designed as the first fully automatic driving line in Changsha.

Liu Yuxian, technical director of the first working area of the second bid section of Line 7 of the Eighth Hydropower Bureau, said that in the future, Metro Line 7 will pass through two underground passages at the station hall of South Bus Station, connecting with the existing South Bus Station comprehensive transportation hub and Changzhutan City. International railway transfer to achieve seamless connection. The South Bus Station of Line 7 is an underground two-story three-span island platform station. At present, the station has been fully enclosed in the main period of the station. It is the first station on the entire line to realize the drilling of the main enclosure structure.

In order to cope with the current high temperature weather and prevent the occurrence of heat stroke and heat stroke, the project department adopts staggered construction methods. "We avoided the high temperature period at noon, and carried out construction from 6:00 to 11:00 and 15:00 to 19:00 every day. We prepared herbal tea, cool salty drinks, watermelon, mung bean porridge, etc. in the rest area of the construction site, as well as heatstroke prevention drugs and labor insurance. Supplies." Liu Yuxian said that the South Bus Station of Line 7 has completed the greening relocation, traffic relief and part of the pipeline relocation, the construction of the enclosure structure has been completed 93%, the construction of the crown beam has been completed 30%, and it is expected to enter the foundation pit in September. Excavation construction stage.

3 stations are undergoing main earth excavation

"Since the start of construction in 2021, the headquarters has been guided by party building, and has worked with all parties involved in the construction to further promote the party building cohesion project, and adhere to both epidemic prevention and control and safe production." The construction headquarters of Metro Line 7 is responsible for According to the person, as of now, all 16 stations of the first phase of Line 7 have entered the construction stage, of which 3 stations are undergoing main earth excavation, 12 stations are undergoing main building envelope construction, and 1 station is undergoing pipeline relocation and renovation. , Traffic relief construction.

The construction of the first phase of Line 7 has been fully realized, and the "acceleration button" has been pressed for the subsequent construction progress. The relevant person in charge of the construction headquarters of Line 7 said that the next step will be with all parties involved in the construction to reasonably adjust the work and rest time of high temperature and open-air operators according to the characteristics of construction in high temperature weather, and appropriately reduce or avoid on-site operations under high temperature and high heat conditions. Time, do a good job of labor protection and heatstroke prevention and cooling work for front-line workers, to ensure effective protection of personnel, reasonable storage of materials, and normal operation of equipment in high temperature weather, safe, efficient, orderly and quickly set off a construction boom across the line. Editor/He Yuting


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