Italy's Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry Policy has launched a 1.5 billion-euro program aimed at incentivizing the installation of agri-PV projects. The objective of the measure is to promote the installation of solar panels in the agricultural, livestock and agro-industrial sectors in order to add 375 megawatts of solar energy in Italy.
Applications must be submitted through Gestoredei Servizi Energetici between September 27 and October 27, 2022. In recent months, there has been increasing activity in the field of agri-PV, with Germany set to accelerate the deployment of solar energy on agricultural land, solar manufacturer Heliene and US nanomaterials specialist UbiQD to develop agri-PV modules, Statkraft to explore agri-PV with Barry University potential, this is just a small part of the list.
In addition, German developer Belectric said it sees the huge potential of agriPV as a means to help European countries meet their renewable energy deployment goals.Editor/XingWentao
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