The EU plans to increase the share of renewable energy generation to 45% by 2030
Seetao 2022-09-22 14:54
  • EU's planned annual increase in wind and solar capacity must double to meet climate targets
  • The current strategy of EU member states will see the EU achieve 63% of electricity from renewable sources in 2030, up from 55% of the previous plan published in 2019
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As part of the revision of the Renewable Energy Directive, the European Parliament has approved a target to increase the EU's share of renewable energy to 45% by 2030. Under current legislation, by 2030, the EU must achieve a target of generating more than 32% of its electricity from renewable sources. According to the 45% target set, the European Parliament's decision has already exceeded the 40% target set by EU member states in June this year. The next step is how EU member states negotiate to achieve this.

The vote was passed with 418 votes in favor, 109 against, and 111 abstentions. The Conservatives, Social Democrats and Liberals in the European Parliament, as well as the majority of green MPs, voted for the new target.

The decision of the European Parliament also sets sub-targets for the adoption of renewable energy in EU member states in sectors such as transport, buildings and district heating and cooling. For example, the transportation sector should adopt renewable energy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 16%, which can be achieved by increasing the proportion of advanced biofuels and setting higher quotas for renewable fuels of non-biological origin. The use of electricity from renewable sources by industrial organisations is expected to increase by 1.9% annually and by 2.3% by district heating network operators.

In addition, each EU member state should develop two cross-border renewable energy projects to increase adoption, and require member states that consume more than 100TWh of electricity per year to develop a third project by 2030. Keywords: engineering news, overseas news

Markus Pieper, member of the German EPP and Rapporteur on the Renewable Energy Directive, said that only the development of renewable energy means true energy independence. We strongly support the target of 45% of electricity adopted by 2030 from renewable energy sources, reaffirming the strengthening of cross-border cooperation to expand renewable energy deployment and call for a diversified hydrogen import strategy.Editor/XingWentao


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