China and Algeria Sign New China Arab Comprehensive Strategic Cooperation
Seetao 2022-11-09 15:57
  • Promoting China Arab comprehensive strategic partnership for new development
  • China appreciates Algeria's support for the Global Development Initiative and has joined the Group of Friends of the Global Development Initiative as one of the first members
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At the invitation of Wang Yi, State Councilor and Foreign Minister of the State Council of the People's Republic of China, Ramdan Ramallah, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Overseas Chinese of the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria, paid a friendly working visit to China from March 19 to 21, 2022. The two sides agreed to comprehensively strengthen the docking of their development strategies, deepen practical cooperation and benefit the two peoples. The two sides announced that they had reached consensus on the text of the China Arab Belt and Road Cooperation Plan and would sign it as soon as possible. The two sides will also step up communication on other cooperation documents being negotiated and signed, and strive to sign them as soon as possible. The Afghan side appreciates the positive role of the Belt and Road Initiative in promoting the values of cooperation, solidarity and win-win results.

Recently, Wang Yi, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, State Councilor and Foreign Minister, signed the Five Year Plan for China Arab Comprehensive Strategic Cooperation (2022-2026) with Foreign Minister Ramallah of Algeria. Since the establishment of the comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Argentina in 2014, this is the second five-year plan for comprehensive strategic cooperation signed by both sides, which aims to further promote exchanges and cooperation between China and Argentina in economy and trade, energy, agriculture, science and technology, aerospace, health, people to people and cultural exchanges, and strengthen the docking of the development strategies of the two countries. China will take the implementation of the five-year plan as an opportunity to deepen practical cooperation in various fields with Afghanistan, constantly enrich the connotation of the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries, and benefit the two countries and their people.

In 2014, China and Algeria established a comprehensive strategic partnership. In the same year, the two countries signed the first five-year plan for comprehensive strategic cooperation, which effectively led bilateral exchanges and cooperation in various fields. Zhao Lijian said that this time, China and Arab States signed the second five-year plan for comprehensive strategic cooperation, aiming to further tap the potential of bilateral cooperation and promote the new development of China Arab comprehensive strategic partnership. China is willing to work with Afghanistan to consolidate traditional friendship, strengthen the docking of development strategies and jointly promote the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind, taking the implementation of the five-year plan as an opportunity.Editor/Xing Wentao


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