Construction of two expressways in Guangxi started on the same day
Seetao 2022-12-30 09:55
  • The total length of Dongxing Pingxiang Section of Tieshangang Pingxiang Highway is 154.566km, with a total length of 11km
  • The total length of the expressway route from Xingye to Bobai in Guigang is 103.17 kilometers, with a total investment of 14.392 billion yuan
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On December 28, 2022, the construction of two new expressways in Guangxi will start on the same day, namely, the Dongxing Pingxiang Section of Tieshangang Pingxiang Highway and the Xingye Bobai Expressway of Guigang.

Dongxing Pingxiang Section of Tieshangang Pingxiang Highway

On December 28, 2022, the commencement ceremony of Dongxing Pingxiang Section of Tieshangang Pingxiang Highway was held in Dongxing City, marking that the project has officially entered the substantive construction stage.

The Dongxing Pingxiang Section of Tieshangang Pingxiang Highway is an important part of the "horizontal 12" Tieshangang Pingxiang Expressway in the "1 ring 12 horizontal 13 vertical 25 connections" of the Guangxi Expressway Network Plan (2018-2030). It is located in Fangchenggang City and Chongzuo City. The project route is generally east-west, starting near Renwen Village, Nasuo Town, Fangcheng District, passing through Malu Town, Naliang Town and Dongzhong Town, Fangchenggang City, Tongmian Town and Zhilang Township, Ningming County, Chongzuo City, and ending at the north of Madong Village, Shangshi Town, Pingxiang City.

The total length of the route is 154.566km, with a total length of 11km and a new mileage of 143.566km. The technical standard of two-way four lane expressway is adopted for the whole line, with design speed of 100 or 120 km/h and subgrade width of 26 or 26.5 m. Among them, the length in Fangchenggang City is 59.98 km, and the length in Chongzuo City is 83.586 km. The estimated total investment of the project is 24.334 billion yuan. The planned construction period is 3 years. It is expected to be completed and open to traffic in 2025. Keywords: engineering news, engineering construction information, engineering construction

Guigang Xingye Bobai Expressway

On the morning of December 28, 2022, the commencement ceremony of the PPP project of Guigang via Xingye to Bobai Expressway was held in Gangnan District, Guigang City.

The total investment of Xingye Bobai Expressway in Guigang is about 14.392 billion yuan, which is the ninth link of the "1 ring road, 12 horizontal roads, 13 vertical roads, and 25 links" in the planning of Guangxi expressway network. The project starts from the northwest to the southeast and connects with the Puqing Expressway under construction and the planned Bobai Nabu Expressway through Xingye County, Yulin City, Pubei County, Qinzhou City and Xidong Village, Shuiming Town, Bobai County, Yulin City.

The main line with a total length of 103.17 km is designed to run at a speed of 120 km per hour according to the two-way four lane expressway standard. The standard width of the subgrade is 26.5 meters. A total of 9 interchanges, 4 toll stations, 2 parking areas and 1 service area, and a Zhanjiang connecting line are planned to be completed and open to traffic by the end of 2025. Editor/Zhao E


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