Central enterprises
The main leaders of the two engineering bureaus of China Railway adjusted
Seetao 2023-01-11 09:22
  • Zhang Min was appointed Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of China Railway Bridge Bureau Group Co., Ltd
  • Yi Guoliang is still the deputy secretary of the Party Committee, the director, and the candidate for deputy general manager
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At the beginning of the new year, the two subsidiaries of China Railway held a cadre conference to adjust the main leaders.

China Railway Bridge Bureau

On January 6, 2023, China Railway Bridge Bureau held a cadre conference in Wuhan, and the China Railway Party Committee adjusted the main leaders of China Railway Bridge Bureau. Wang Shiqi, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Executive Director and Chairman of the Trade Union of China Railway, attended the meeting and delivered a speech.

Wang Wenji, head of the cadre department of China Railway Party Committee, read out the relevant appointment and removal decisions. Zhang Min served as the party secretary and chairman of China Railway Bridge Bureau Group Co., Ltd., presided over the overall work of China Railway Bridge Bureau Group Co., Ltd., and served as the legal representative.

In his speech, Wang Shiqi stressed that this adjustment was based on the actual reform and development of China Railway Bridge Bureau and the needs of team construction, and was made after careful study by the China Railway Party Committee, which reflected the high attention and concern of the China Railway Party Committee to the reform, development and stability of China Railway Bridge Bureau and team construction.

China Railway Tunnel Bureau

On January 7, 2023, China Railway Tunnel Bureau held a cadre conference in Nansha, Guangzhou. The China Railway Party Committee made adjustments to the main leaders of China Railway Tunnel Bureau. Wang Shiqi, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Executive Director and Chairman of the Trade Union of China Railway, attended the meeting and delivered a speech.

Wang Wenji, head of the cadre department of China Railway Party Committee, read out the appointment and removal decision: he was removed from the post of secretary, chairman and director of the Party Committee of Baolin China Railway Tunnel Bureau Group Co., Ltd., no longer serving as the legal representative, and retired; Gao Wei, the deputy secretary of the Party Committee of China Railway Tunnel Engineering Group Co., Ltd., presided over the work of the Party Committee. He no longer held the post of general manager, but still served as a director and legal representative, presiding over the work of the Board of Directors; Yi Guoliang no longer holds the post of chairman of the trade union of China Railway Tunnel Bureau Group Co., Ltd., but still holds the post of deputy secretary of the party committee, director, deputy general manager candidate, and presides over the management of China Railway Tunnel Bureau Group Co., Ltd.

Wang Shiqi fully affirmed Comrade Baolin's noble feelings of loyalty to the country, dedication to the enterprise, and service to the staff, and his important contributions to the reform and development of China Railway Tunnel Bureau. He believed that Gao Wei and Yi Guoliang spoke of politics, took the overall situation into consideration, were loyal to the enterprise, paid attention to practice, had rich work experience and leadership experience, and had strong comprehensive ability and quality. It is hoped that all cadres and staff will deeply understand the concern of China Railway Party Committee and China Railway for the construction of the leading group of the Tunnel Bureau, and promote the high-quality development of the enterprise.

Members of the leading group of the group company, middle-level cadres above the deputy head of the headquarters department, and the party and government leaders of the affiliated units attended the meeting. Editor/Zhao E


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