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Foreign Minister Qin Gang Visits Five African Countries
Seetao 2023-01-19 09:34
  • The friendly cooperation between China and Africa has a history of decades
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Recently, China's new foreign minister, Qin Gang, visited Africa and visited five countries in total. Western countries headed by the United States attach great importance to Qin Gang's trip to Africa. However, the Western media did not have any words of praise, but repeatedly emphasized that Ethiopia, one of the interviewed countries, owed China US$13.7 billion and could not repay it, and that Chinese-funded enterprises were affected by the civil war in Ethiopia and other negative news. As for the various assistance China has provided to Ethiopia, including projects such as the Addis-Djibouti Railway, the Addis Ababa Light Rail, the green development of river banks, and the African Leadership Academy, these Western media did not mention a word. It can be seen that the United States and the West are deeply afraid of China-Africa cooperation.

According to the data provided by the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, China-Egypt economic and technological cooperation began in 1971. China has built roads, veterinary stations, power stations and water supply projects for Ethiopia, about 30 complete projects. China mainly exports various industrial products to Ethiopia, and imports sesame, leather, cotton and coffee from Ethiopia.

Ethiopia also exports two exotic commodities to China, called frankincense and myrrh, which are important ingredients in traditional Chinese medicine. "Compendium of Materia Medica" says they can relieve pain and reduce swelling. However, frankincense is not produced in China, and its main production areas are in Somalia and northern Ethiopia. China also does not produce myrrh, and it is mainly produced in these two countries, as well as India. Therefore, the cooperation between China and Ethiopia is not only about money, but also about the health and happiness of the Chinese people.

Qin Gang cuts the ribbon for China-Africa cooperation projects

Not only Ethiopia, but African countries have a common feature, rich in resources and low living standards of the people, but they all yearn for opportunities to develop the economy, improve national infrastructure, and provide people with a safer, healthier and richer life. Over the past few hundred years, Western colonists have blindly plundered resources in Africa, not only plundering mineral deposits and agricultural products, but even directly robbing people and sending them to America and Europe as slaves.

The national liberation movement after the Cold War brought a glimmer of hope to Africa. However, the destruction and subversion of Western countries have left most newly-born African countries in poverty, turmoil, and war, and even humanitarian tragedies have occurred many times. It wasn't until China launched the Belt and Road Initiative that Africa ushered in the dawn again. Ethiopia, as a country traditionally friendly to China, certainly welcomes and attaches great importance to the cooperation proposed by China. In this regard, Ethiopian Ambassador to China Teshome Toga said that cooperation with China will help African countries start their own businesses.

Of course, the United States and other Western countries have been trying to subvert and sabotage the cooperation between China and Africa. Starting in 2020, armed conflicts have occurred between the federal government and the Tigray People's Liberation Front in Tigray State in northern Ethiopia. The U.S. government implicitly supports the latter. By June 2021, the conflict has basically subsided, and the Ethiopian government has won and announced a unilateral ceasefire. Such a result is not only the quelling of the Ethiopian civil war, but also the bankruptcy of the US conspiracy.

The United States strongly opposes the Belt and Road Initiative, accusing it of discrediting China-Africa relations on various occasions. However, the United States has not come up with many substantive means to stop China's cooperation projects in Africa. This is mainly because the strength of the United States is in a stage of decline. The intervention and preparations for war in Ukraine, the Taiwan Strait, the South China Sea, and the Persian Gulf have stretched the financial and military strength of the US military. Although China is not rich, we adopt a diplomatic line of peace and cooperation and do not engage in military intervention. On the one hand, we will get more help, and on the other hand, we can use the money for the right goals. No matter how the United States obstructs it, it is impossible to change the general trend of China-Africa deepening cooperation.

Besides Ethiopia, Qin Gang also visited Angola, Gabon, Benin and Egypt. Angola has appeared in hot news searches many times because of its long-term civil war. Gabon and Benin are almost forgotten by the international community. Because of its abundant resources and its proximity to the Atlantic Ocean, Gabon is a country with a relatively developed economy and decent living standards in Africa. Gabon has gained huge profits by exporting oil, manganese ore, timber and wood products to China. The situation in Benin is relatively poor, because the food cannot be self-sufficient, so the economic development is facing great difficulties, and the per capita GDP is less than 1,500 US dollars. However, Benin is rich in resources and has great potential, and welcomes foreign investment very much. As for Egypt, as the oldest ancient civilization in Africa, we don't need to introduce too much about its importance. Egypt is also a traditional friendly country of China.

It can be found that Qin Gang's trip to the five African countries basically went around Africa. Including entry from Ethiopia in Northeast Africa, Angola in Southern Africa, Gabon and Benin in West Africa, and finally Egypt in North Africa. Some Western and African media commented that while Foreign Minister Qin Gang completed his first overseas visit, he was also telling the United States with actions that what China can do, the United States may not be able to do. This logic applies especially to the African region.

There are now more than one billion people in Africa. Not to mention entering modernization, even if these people get rid of poverty in an all-round way, they will bring a huge impetus to the development of human society. For this great cause, the United States is not capable of doing it, but China is willing to undertake it. China-Africa cooperation has never been focused on one place at a time. It is much more long-term than the United States and the West think.Editor/Xing Wentao


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