The Argentine government has announced the country's first public tender for renewable energy since 2019. Pursuant to Resolution No. 36/2023, the call for tenders is published in the Official Gazette. The successful bidder will sign a 15-year supply contract with Cammesa, the company that manages the country's wholesale electricity market.
The solicitation has a total power of 620 megawatts and is divided into two parts. The first line is regional and provincial projects that allow for substitution of a maximum power of 500 MW, focusing on biomass energy, photovoltaics with and without energy storage, and wind power with energy storage.
The second part of the tender is for projects that allow the integration of small-scale renewable energy generation, up to a capacity of 120 MW. It will focus on biomass, biogas, landfill gas and small hydropower uses. In 2019, Argentina held the third round of RenovAr public tenders with a minimum price of US$54.22/MWh.Editor/XingWentao
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