Bidding for Meixian County, Shaanxi Province via Qishan to Fengxiang Expressway
Seetao 2023-02-21 15:45
  • The total length of the project is 73.737 kilometers, and the estimated total investment of the project is 7.196 billion yuan
  • The main line of the project adopts the standard construction of two-way four-lane expressway, with a roadbed width of 26 meters
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Recently, a reporter from learned from that the bidding announcement for the civil engineering construction of the Meixian via Qishan-Fengxiang Expressway Project on the Guanzhong Ring Road in Shaanxi Province has been released.

Project Overview

Construction site and scale: The starting point of this project is located in Doujiahe Village, Tangyu Town, Meixian County, connected to the proposed Huzhoumei Expressway, and the end point is located in Zhuyuan Village, West Miganqiao Town, Fengxiang, connected to Xunfeng Expressway. The total length of the project route is 73.737 kilometers. The main line adopts the two-way four-lane expressway standard, the roadbed width is 26 meters, and the design speed of the whole line is 100km/h. The design vehicle load level of the bridge and culvert adopts highway-I level, and the design flood frequency is 1/100 (1/300 for super-large bridges).

This tender is for the construction of civil works in the scope of K50+466~K83+550.568 of the Meixian via Qishan-Fengxiang Expressway Project in Guanzhong Ring Road, Shaanxi Province, with a route length of 33.109 kilometers, including roadbeds, bridges and culverts, crossing works, roadbed slope greening and related ancillary project. Subgrade excavation 3.0268 million m³, subgrade filling 4.9626 million m³; 38 bridges, including 1941m/7 bridges, 1375m/22 middle bridges, 510m/9 overpasses; 45 culverts and 61 passages. There are 3 interchanges, 1 separate interchange, 1 connecting line 1.356km/1, 1 service area, 1 maintenance work area, and 1 management center.

Bidding scope: Temporary works, roadbed works, bridge and culvert works, cross works, roadbed slope greening, related ancillary works and repair of defects. Keywords: engineering news, engineering construction information, engineering construction

This bidding is divided into one tender section, and the planned construction period is 18 months from the date of commencement; the construction site is Qishan County and Fengxiang District, Baoji City, Shaanxi Province.

Obtaining and submitting tender documents

Potential bidders are invited to participate in Bawang, Mei County, Baoji City, Shaanxi Province from 9:00 am to 12:00 am and from 14:30 pm to 17:30 pm daily from February 20, 2023 to February 24, 2023. The 10th floor of the Eastern International Building in the He Industrial Zone shall purchase the bidding documents with the unit's introduction letter and the ID card of the person in charge. The deadline for submission of bid documents is 10:00 on March 14, 2023. Editor / Zhao E


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