Gwadar Port, Pakistan: A Bright Pearl on the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor!
Seetao 2023-03-01 09:04
  • Gwadar Port is the third largest port in Pakistan, connecting Kashgar, Xinjiang, China, with a total investment of over US$46 billion
  • Gwadar Port is the maritime starting point for China and Pakistan to jointly promote the construction of the Belt and Road and build the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor
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South Asia is China's close neighbor and has close trade relations with China. It is also one of the regions with the most development momentum and growth potential among the important partners in the joint construction of the Belt and Road Initiative. Among South Asian countries, Pakistan enjoys a special status as China's traditional friendly neighbor and all-weather strategic partner. The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor is an important milestone in the history of China-Pakistan friendship, and it plays an important leading role in regional cooperation and economic integration.

When it comes to the relationship between China and Pakistan, one port must be mentioned, which is Gwadar Port. It is the maritime starting point for China and Pakistan to jointly promote the construction of the Belt and Road and build the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor. With the joint efforts of the builders of China and Pakistan, it has now become a bright pearl of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor.

From small fishing village to crown jewel

Gwadar Port was once just an unknown small fishing village in Pakistan. The wharf equipment is old and dilapidated, and it can only barely maintain operation by importing wheat and chemical fertilizers designated by the Pakistani government... This is the "bleakness" of this semi-abandoned port when China Overseas Port Holdings Co., Ltd. first took over Gwadar Port in 2013 state.

However, this inconspicuous little place is at the throat of several important maritime routes from Africa, Europe via the Red Sea, the Strait of Hormuz, and the Persian Gulf to the Asia-Pacific region; one of the most important passages for global oil supply, The Strait of Hormuz is only 400 kilometers away.

In 2015, China and Pakistan determined the "1+4" cooperation layout centered on the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor and focusing on Gwadar Port, energy, transportation infrastructure, and industrial cooperation. With the joint efforts of China and Pakistan, the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor project in Gwadar Port has been successfully implemented. The current Gwadar Port is like a green pearl on a yellow sand painting, embodying the profound friendship between China and Pakistan.

On June 3, 2022, the opening ceremony of China-aided Gwadar East Bay Expressway in Pakistan was held, marking the official opening of the external connection road of Gwadar Port Area. Pakistani Prime Minister Shabaz Sharif said at the ceremony that the East Bay Expressway is a high-quality highway built by China. After opening to traffic, it will be connected to Pakistan's national highway, opening up the transportation channel between Gwadar Port and Karachi.

The Gwadar East Bay Expressway starts from Gwadar Port in the south, has a total length of 19.49 kilometers, and connects to Pakistan National Highway No. 10 at the end. It is one of the early harvest projects of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor. Although the total length of the road is not long, it has a wide field of vision, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a sightseeing road. Liu Fangtao, general manager of the China Communications Construction East Bay Expressway project, said: "This expressway is the road with the best quality and the highest technology in Gwadar." Akbar Reis, chairman of the Gwadar Fisheries Association, said : "This road is very important to us, because the built breakwater protects fishing boats from ocean thunderstorms and storms. With this road, the transportation of goods between the port and big cities will be smooth." Traffic at Gwadar Port Construction has made it a well-developed city in Pakistan and a transit hub for sea and land transportation.

At the same time, the Gwadar New International Airport project is also progressing in an orderly manner. "After the new airport is put into use, the packaged lobsters can be flown to China the next morning!" Nagman, chairman of the Gwadar Chamber of Commerce and Industry, hopes to export lobsters to China from the new airport in the future.

Today, Gwadar Port has convenient transportation and is more modernized. Not only can more ships berthed here, but due to the deepening of the port, the deadweight tonnage of the ships parked has also doubled several times, and the wharf can berth two 50,000-ton cargo ships at the same time. Gwadar Port added 5 new container bridge cranes, built a new 140,000-square-meter storage yard and various equipment, and already has the full operating capacity to handle container ships, bulk cargo and roll-on-roll-off cargo at the same time. The entire port has gradually built oil and gas tank farms, deep-water wharfs, container areas, etc., and the number of multi-functional berths has also increased from the original three to twelve, enabling it to have a larger throughput, which is expected to reach 400 million tons, far exceeding the Another famous port is Karachi.

The improvement of infrastructure facilities such as the Gwadar East Bay Expressway and the new international airport, as well as the improvement of the port berth throughput and other modernization levels will also accelerate the establishment of related supporting facilities such as the Intercontinental Hotel, and greatly improve the environment for foreign investment and operation, attracting more The entry of more foreign capital and the establishment of large-scale infrastructure in Gwadar Port will definitely become the location of large-scale international conferences. The success of the construction of Gwadar Port will prove that building Pakistan's Dubai is not a dream! the

Witness the inextricable relationship between China and Pakistan

In the words of our Pakistani friends, China-Pakistan friendship is higher than the Himalayas, deeper than the Arabian Sea, sweeter than honey, harder than steel, and more precious than eyeballs! Gwadar Port was originally developed by China, experienced ups and downs in the middle, and was finally taken over by China. It can be seen that Gwadar Port embodies the profound friendship between China and Pakistan.

Today, the port is an important part of China's Belt and Road Initiative, linking Kashgar in China's Xinjiang region. As the sea channel of Xinjiang, China, it connects western China and ports on the Arabian Sea, with a total investment of more than 46 billion U.S. dollars, and has become an important link in the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor. Today, China and Pakistan have devoted a lot of effort to the construction of Gwadar Port. So, what is so special about this port? What ups and downs have you experienced?

Gwadar Port is the third largest port in Pakistan. It is located in the Balochistan province in the southwest of Pakistan. Historically, it once belonged to Oman, which is across the sea from Pakistan. However, the discerning Pakistani strategists discovered the huge "gold content" of Gwadar It was later redeemed from Oman for £3 million and built as a small port. Pakistan also hopes to develop and build this place to play its role as a seaport. However, due to the lack of domestic financial and human resources and social unrest in Pakistan, it has not been successful for a long time, and Gwadar Port has not been effectively developed for a long time. Until March 2002, Pakistan found China and requested the Chinese government to assist in the construction of Gwadar Port. At that time, China invested US$250 million here, but Singapore successfully deprived it of the right to operate Gwadar Port for 40 years. After winning the management right, there is no intention to seriously manage the place, and Gwadar Port has been abandoned and idle.

In order not to let the port continue to be abandoned, Pakistan did not hesitate to abolish the 40-year management rights agreement with Singapore. In February 2013, it breached the contract and handed over the management rights of Gwadar Port to China again. The Pakistani government paid a lot of liquidated damages to Singapore. China has taken over Gwadar Port without hesitation.

After the operation of Gwadar Port was handed over to China, such a major project seems to be going smoothly because of the joint efforts of the Chinese and Pakistani people overcoming many difficulties. Because, the construction of Gwadar port has made some countries less opportunities to reap benefits, and it has made other countries less bargaining chips to blackmail China. The construction of Gwadar Port can greatly promote the strengthening of China-Pakistan friendship and the development of both sides.

As we all know, the relationship between China and Pakistan is very friendly, and the Chinese people affectionately call Pakistan "Pakistan". From Xinjiang, China to Gwadar Port in Pakistan, there is a China-Pakistan Economic Corridor. This is a very important "strategic corridor" in China. This "strategic corridor" was proposed by China in 2013. The starting point is Kashgar in Xinjiang and the end point is Gwadar Port in Pakistan. The total length is 3,000 kilometers, and the total project cost is expected to reach 450 It is a trade corridor including roads, railways, and oil and gas cable channels. It is a symbol of China-Pakistan friendship. Gwadar Port is the hottest route in the Indian Ocean, no matter it is a ship from South America, Africa, or the Mediterranean, as long as it passes through the Indian Ocean. Gwadar Port will become an important transit point for Indian Ocean routes. It controls more than 70% of the world's seaborne trade. Therefore, the future economic development of Xinjiang and China's energy security will depend on the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor. This will be a "life channel" that cannot be abandoned under any circumstances.

The Economic Center of Batie

After nine years of construction, today's Gwadar Port has transformed into the economic center of Pakistan. Gwadar Port has a unique geographical location and can be called the crossroads of Asia. It is connected to the Gulf countries to the west and occupies an important significance in sea routes.

The construction of Gwadar Port has entered the fast lane. On July 5, 2021, the commencement ceremony of several projects was held in Gwadar Port. Pakistani Prime Minister Shabaz Sharif pointed out: "Gwadar Port is gradually developing into the economic center of Pakistan. , is a key to Pakistan's prosperity."

At a cost of US$1 billion, China has added 9 multi-purpose berths to Gwadar Port, deepening the depth of the port, so as to increase the deadweight tonnage of working ships berthing here. China has also invested a large amount of funds in the infrastructure construction of Gwadar Port. With China's support, Gwadar Port has successively acquired breakwaters, seawater desalination plants, two-lane highways, hospitals, etc., and even an international airport.

A vocational and technical school has been built for the local people in Gwadar Port to help them learn professional skills. China has also made contributions to the local basic education in Gwadar Port. The China Foundation for Peace and Development funded the expansion of Gwadar Faqul Public Middle School, which provided a better schooling environment for local children in Gwadar Port and greatly promoted Gwadar Port. educational development.

"According to our plan, Gwadar will become a regional logistics hub within five years!" Zhang Baozhong, chairman of China Overseas Port Holdings Co., Ltd. said excitedly, "With the increasing popularity of the port, many cargo owners and logistics companies have begun to participate in the business of the port. active. For example, the Gwadar Fisheries Association, the Pakistan Federation of Industry and Commerce, and the Pakistan Bonded Transport Association have signed cooperation agreements with China Harbor Control, and they have also seen business opportunities.

After the completion of Gwadar Port, it will not only drive the economic development of the impoverished and backward Balochistan and even Pakistan as a whole, but it is also expected to become the nearest port to the sea for Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and other landlocked countries in Central Asia, and will be responsible for connecting these countries with Sri Lanka. China, Bangladesh, Oman, the United Arab Emirates, Iran, Iraq and other countries even have shipping tasks with China's western provinces, becoming a hub for regional entrepot trade, warehousing, refueling and maintenance of ocean-going ships, and supply supplies. The Pakistani government will also place high hopes on the Kuah Port Project, hoping that it will become an economic engine for Balochistan and the southern coastal areas. Editor / Zhao E


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