In 2023, Guangxi plans to invest 29.5 billion yuan in ordinary roads
Seetao 2023-04-20 09:06
  • In terms of rural road construction, ensure that 100% of the townships in the region are connected with third-grade and above-grade road
  • In terms of the construction of ordinary national and provincial trunk roads, ensure the completion of 340 kilometers of ordinary national and provincial secondary roads
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If you want to get rich, build roads first. A few days ago, a reporter from learned from the Guangxi Highway Development Center that Guangxi will complete an investment of 29.5 billion yuan in ordinary roads in 2023. Among them, 340 kilometers of ordinary national and provincial highways have been built, and the proportion of ordinary national and provincial arterial roads of second grade and above has reached 78%; 8,000 new natural villages (tun) have hardened roads, and 100% of the towns in the region have access to third grades and above highway.

In 2022, the fixed asset investment of ordinary roads in Guangxi will complete 33.612 billion yuan, exceeding the target task. A total of 252 kilometers of ordinary national and provincial second-class highways were completed. During the year, 15 projects including the G355 line Mengshan to Jinxiu, and the G322 line Lingchuan to Suqiao via Wutong were completed and opened to traffic. 7 projects including Xingning District and Shanglin County of Nanning City Counties and districts were listed as the establishment units of the national demonstration counties of the Sihao Rural Road. The service capacity improvement project of Guangxi ordinary national and provincial arterial highways in the west of the New Land-Sea Corridor has been fully started. Guangxi effectively responded to the impact of freezing disasters and severe weather such as flood seasons, heavy rainfall, and typhoons. A total of 727 ordinary roads and 1,035 sections were completed throughout the year. No casualties occurred in the region due to road infrastructure damage. National Highway 325 and G75 Lanhai Expressway Nali Exit Ramp Level Crossing Safety Hazard Rectification Work was successfully selected into the compilation of 38 excellent cases of national road governance, becoming the only selected case in Guangxi.

In 2023, the region's highway system will focus on the seven major task requirements of building magnificent highways, strive to achieve double improvement in highway product quality and highway service quality, increase highway efficiency, effectiveness, and benefit, and ensure the completion of the annual ordinary highway investment task of 29.5 billion yuan Target.

Guangxi will focus on building an efficient and convenient road network construction system. In terms of the construction of ordinary national and provincial trunk roads, 340 kilometers of ordinary national and provincial secondary roads will be built, and the proportion of ordinary national and provincial trunk roads of secondary grade and above will reach 78%. In terms of rural road construction, ensure that 100% of the townships in the region are connected to third-grade and above-grade roads, and 8,000 new natural villages (tun) are connected to hardened roads.

Guangxi is speeding up the establishment of a modern and scientific road maintenance body. Make sure to complete 900 kilometers of major and medium repairs of ordinary national and provincial arterial highways, with 75% of the roads being excellent roads, and 85% of the first- and second-class bridges; 80% of the rural roads are medium and above, and five 100% of the management and maintenance are achieved. Keywords: infrastructure, infrastructure construction, domestic engineering news, planning investment

Guangxi has comprehensively improved its high-quality and standardized road service system. Focus on the construction of the Guangxi section of the G219 line along the border road, build the Guangxi Border Pass National Tourist Scenic Road; focus on building the G358 line Longan Natong to Daxin County and other magnificent road demonstration roads, promote the construction of ordinary roads in the Long March National Cultural Park, and build a number of industrial roads, tourism Road, red road, cultural road and other characteristic theme roads. Editor/Xu Shengpeng


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