50 projects in Xishan District, Kunming started construction intensively
Seetao 2023-05-04 10:31
  • The total investment of this construction project is 15 billion yuan, and the planned investment in 2023 is 3.85 billion yuan
  • After completion, it will be of great significance to make up for the shortcomings of people's livelihood and enhance the development momentum in Xishan District
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On May 3, 2023, 50 projects in the Xishan District of Kunming, Yunnan Province will start construction, with a total investment of 15 billion yuan. Among them, there are 12 industrial projects other than energy, with a planned total investment of 1.27 billion yuan; 4 energy industry projects, with a planned total investment of 520 million yuan; 4 digital economy projects, with a planned total investment of 350 million yuan; Investment of 340 million yuan; 7 transportation and water conservancy projects, with a planned total investment of 230 million yuan; 4 education, health and pension projects, with a planned total investment of 2.22 billion yuan; 4 ecological and environmental protection projects, with a planned total investment of 140 million yuan; 8 real estate projects, The total planned investment is 9.9 billion yuan.

China Telecom Liangya Data Center Project

Among these projects, China Telecom Yunnan Company Liangya International Data Center Project is a high-standard data center for South Asia and Southeast Asia planned and constructed by China Telecom in Yunnan in accordance with the national standard A-level data room standard. The total rack capacity is 4,000, and it is expected to provide 3 billion floating-point computing power. The total investment of the project is expected to reach 800 million yuan, and the proposed construction area is 36,110 square meters, including a data center computer room building and supporting projects.

The overall positioning of China Telecom's two-Asia data center is to create a five-center computing power structure for South Asia and Southeast Asia, that is, to build an international regional data center, an artificial intelligence center, and a new type of computing power center, with Kunming as the originating hub of the regional information gathering center and radiating South Asia The information radiation center in Southeast Asia provides powerful computing power support for Digital Yunnan, helping Yunnan seize opportunities for new infrastructure and digital economic development. In areas such as cross-border e-commerce, logistics, free trade zones, and live broadcast bases, it plays an important role in supporting information and computing power, thereby promoting the high-quality development of Yunnan's overall foreign economy, digital industry, and culture. Xishan District is the core urban area of Kunming, with convenient transportation. It is an important channel connecting Kunming and ASEAN countries for trade, as well as an important transportation hub and material distribution center leading to western Yunnan. It has obvious comparative advantages and is a newly developed urban area. At present, the Xishan District Committee and the District Government are seizing the historical opportunity of accelerating the construction of a regional international city to accelerate development, and strive to make new breakthroughs in various tasks. The superior business environment makes enterprises full of confidence in the project.

The person in charge of the Xishan District Government stated that since 2023, under the strong leadership of the Municipal Party Committee, the Municipal Government and the District Party Committee, Xishan District has always regarded project construction as the main engine for promoting high-quality development, and adhered to the mechanism of investment promotion and key project weekly meetings. Implement the mechanism of connecting key projects and key enterprises with district-level leaders, promote project construction to speed up and increase efficiency, and inject strong impetus into the economic and social development of Xishan District.

This concentrated start-up project will fully drive the accumulation of production factors, accumulate development stamina, and ensure social and people's livelihood, and play a strong supporting role in expanding effective investment, improving urban quality, and cultivating new economic growth points in Xishan District. Editor/He Yuting


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