Mao Ning: China ASEAN has taken the right path
Seetao 2023-07-18 17:20
  • Over the past decade, China and ten ASEAN countries have signed the cooperation document of jointly building the the Belt and Road
  • The the Belt and Road project continues to take root in ASEAN, becoming a practical platform for building a closer China ASEAN community of shared future
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Over the past 20 years, China and ASEAN have adhered to the spirit of the Treaty, expanded mutually beneficial cooperation in all aspects, and embarked on a correct path of long-term good-neighborly friendship, common development and prosperity, which has also driven other countries to join one after another.

Mao Ning said that in 2003, the leaders of China ASEAN countries jointly witnessed that China took the lead in signing and joining the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia, opening a new stage in China ASEAN relations. China's first accession to the treaty reflects the diplomatic tradition of adhering to the equality of large and small countries, its firm support for the development and growth of ASEAN, and its policy of good neighborliness and friendship towards its neighbors.

2023 China ASEAN International Forum on Sustainable Development and Innovation Cooperation held in Guilin, Guangxi

Mao Ning said that the treaty is rooted in Asian history and culture, giving birth to the "Asian way" of consensus, non-interference in internal affairs, and taking care of the comfort of all parties. It is an important guideline for guiding regional country relations. Over the past 20 years, China and ASEAN have adhered to the spirit of the Treaty, expanded mutually beneficial cooperation in all aspects, and embarked on a correct path of long-term good-neighborly friendship, common development and prosperity, which has also driven other countries to join one after another. The number of ASEAN dialogue partners continues to increase, and the international status and influence continue to strengthen. East Asia has also become the region with the fastest global economic development and rapid improvement in people's living standards.

Mao Ning said that in the current complex and ever-changing international and regional situation, the joint statement issued by the China ASEAN Foreign Ministers' Meeting is conducive to jointly promoting the purpose and principles of the treaty, inheriting and promoting the Asian approach and wisdom, practicing true multilateralism, and jointly maintaining regional rules and order.Editor/Ma Xue


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