Based on the three major advantages of political mutual trust, economic complementarity and mutual learning of civilizations, Bolivia–China relations have become a model of equal treatment, solidarity and mutual assistance among developing countries. Recently, when receiving an exclusive interview in Brussels, the capital of Belgium, President Alce of President of Bolivia said that Bolivia looked forward to strengthening the docking of development strategies with China, deepening cooperation in various fields, and elevating the Bolivia China strategic partnership to a new level.
Alsace was interviewed during the EU Caribbean and Latin American summit in Brussels. Ars é emphasized that in many international and multilateral occasions, the two sides of Bolivia and China support each other in affairs, including in the field of human rights, and hold the same or similar positions on some major global and regional issues.
He said that Bolivia and China have close cooperation in jointly building the the Belt and Road and promoting the construction of a Community of Common Destiny. Both Bolivia and China believe that international cooperation and development in various fields should benefit and benefit all countries and people around the world.
President of Bolivia Alce receives an exclusive interview in Brussels, Belgium
Alsace highly praised the relationship between Bolivia and China. Arse pointed out that the economic development advantages of Bolivia and China complement each other, and the cooperation between the two countries in areas such as resource development will not only benefit both sides, but also benefit the world. Bolivia is rich in mineral resources and is currently in a period of natural resource industrialization. Bolivia is willing to work with all enterprises in Bolivia to achieve the industrialization of mineral development. China is a very important partner for us, as we possess natural resources and advanced mining and processing technologies.
As a developing country, Bolivia is also striving to explore ways to develop its economy and improve people's living standards. Alsace believes that China's experience and practices in poverty eradication are worth studying and drawing on. In addition, Bolivia and China both have a long history and culture, and we look forward to further deepening cultural exchanges and mutual learning between the two countries.Editor/Ma Xue
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