One Belt, One Road and the Eurasian Economic Union
Seetao 2023-10-07 14:54
  • China’s Belt and Road Initiative and Russia’s Eurasian Economic Union project promote each other
  • Since its establishment in 2015, the Eurasian Economic Union has been committed to promoting economic ties and cooperation among its member states
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Recently, when Russian President Vladimir Putin attended an International Debate Club meeting in Sochi, he stated that there was not only no conflict of interest between China’s One Belt One Road plan and Russia’s Eurasian Economic Union project, but rather a mutually reinforcing relationship. He emphasized that the common goal of the two initiatives is to promote inter-regional economic cooperation and development.

In May 2023, when Putin delivered a speech at the plenary session of the Second Eurasian Economic Forum of the Eurasian Economic Union, he further elaborated on the potential and opportunities for cooperation between China and Russia at the bilateral and multilateral levels. He said that the Eurasian Economic Union will continue to strengthen cooperation with China and strive to achieve the goal of free movement of goods, services, capital and labor within the Union through coordinated economic policies. The Eurasian Economic Union is a regional economic cooperation organization composed of Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan and Armenia. Since its establishment in 2015, it has been committed to promoting economic ties and cooperation among member countries. The goal of the alliance is to achieve free movement of goods, services, capital and labor within the alliance by 2025, and to promote regional economic development through coordinated economic policies.

Putin also emphasized that China and Russia have similar positions and interests on a series of major international and regional issues. Cooperation between the two countries can not only promote economic development in the region, but also have a positive impact on global peace and stability.

Overall, Putin's remarks highlighted the broad consensus and basis for cooperation between China and Russia on issues such as the Belt and Road Initiative and the Eurasian Economic Union project. In the future, the two countries will continue to strengthen exchanges and cooperation in various fields and make positive contributions to promoting regional and global peace and development. Editor/Xu Shengpeng


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