Pakistani Prime Minister Kakar: China-Pakistan relations will remain rock-solid
Seetao 2023-11-14 14:53
  • Over the past 72 years, the two countries have established a deep friendship, which will continue to be maintained and developed
  • It is believed that in the coming days, China-Pakistan relations will remain rock-solid and make more positive contributions to peace, stability and development of the two countries and the region
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China-pakistan relations have gone through wind and rain, but they have always maintained a solid friendship. In China, Pakistan is affectionately referred to as an iron brother while China is their best friend. China and Pakistan have established 72 years of diplomatic friendship and frequent high-level visits. Why does Pakistan maintain a high level of strategic and political consensus on its relations with China? Prime Minister Kakar said in an exclusive interview with the Prime Minister's high-end interview column that China and Pakistan have converging interests and have the same views on global affairs, and China is Pakistan's only natural partner.

China and Pakistan have always maintained a solid friendship. This is not only because the two countries share common interests, but also because of the deep feelings between the two peoples. Pakistan and China are all-weather strategic cooperative partners and share broad consensus on major international and regional issues. The two sides have extensive cooperation in trade, investment, infrastructure, energy and other fields, which has not only driven the economic growth of the two sides, but also promoted regional stability and development.

The friendship between Pakistan and China has also been maintained by both sides. China has extensive influence in Pakistan and has provided strong support for Pakistan's development. Pakistan has also provided important support for China's Belt and Road Initiative, becoming an important partner of China in South Asia. Editor/Xu Shengpeng


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