Central enterprises
China Construction Fifth Bureau signed 4 projects overseas in September
Seetao 2020-09-30 15:59
  • China Construction Fifth Bureau enjoys a high reputation in the domestic and foreign construction markets
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On September 30, 2020, China State Construction announced that China Construction Fifth Engineering Group won 4 overseas projects in September, totaling 3.2 billion yuan.

Expansion Project of Shah Jalal International Airport in Bangladesh

General mechanical engineering for the expansion project of Shah Jalal International Airport in Bangladesh, the first overseas project implemented by China Construction Fifth Engineering Group Co., Ltd. and its strategic client Samsung C&C. The HVAC part of the project will be implemented by the installation company, including the ventilation system, air conditioning system, oil fume exhaust system and supporting electrical engineering content, with a contract value of 262 million yuan.

Tashkent Haitong City Hong Kong Project, Uzbekistan

The Tashkent Haitong City (Hong Kong) project in Uzbekistan was implemented by the three companies with a contract value of 1.362 billion yuan and a construction area of approximately 400,000 square meters. The project was implemented in three phases.

China-Thailand Integrated Logistics Industrial Park Project, a high-end ecological logistics complex in Bangkok, Thailand

The China-Thailand Integrated Logistics Industrial Park project, a high-end ecological logistics complex in Bangkok, Thailand, was implemented by a general contracting company, with an EPC contract value of 1.06 billion yuan. The project is invested and constructed according to five-star standards and built into a high-end international logistics industry comprehensive industrial park integrating international logistics industrial park, industrial base living supporting apartments and corporate headquarters base; the land area is about 4.65 million square meters, and the total construction area is about 300,000 square meters.

SIPCOT Foxconn Industrial Park Project in Chennai, India

The SIPCOT Foxconn Industrial Park project in Chennai, India, is the first cooperation between the Fifth Bureau and Foxconn Group in India. It is implemented by the South China Company with a contract value of 569 million yuan. The project is divided into two phases, and the construction content includes a restaurant, factory building, comprehensive building and warehouse.

As of the end of September, China Construction Fifth Engineering Co., Ltd. had signed 8 new overseas projects throughout the year, with a contract value of 4.107 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 13.2%. Editor/Peng Xue


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