Qatar 800MW solar photovoltaic project has made phased progress
Seetao 2020-11-03 14:49
  • With the second wave of the global epidemic, Qatar has stricter controls on all immigration personnel
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In the golden autumn in October, the sweet osmanthus fragrant, the earth flows gold, and everything is dormant. The country in October is already a harvest scene. However, on the Qatar Peninsula on the southwestern coast of the Persian Gulf, the weather is still scorching hot and flowing gold. The enthusiasm of the employees of the 800MW solar photovoltaic project department in Qatar Alcazar is just like the weather, and everyone is working hard with their hard work and sweat.

With the second wave of the epidemic in the world, Qatar has tightened control over all immigration personnel. Under multiple pressures such as limited resources and insufficient manpower at the initial stage of the project, all employees of the project department actively used existing resources, communicated and coordinated with multiple parties, and always stayed on the ground to ensure that the project site work proceeded as planned. The project department has successively completed a number of milestone tasks such as the ecological relocation of animals and plants and the construction of on-site offices.

The 800 MW photovoltaic project in Qatar is the world’s third largest single photovoltaic power station so far, and the world’s largest photovoltaic project using tracking systems and bifacial modules. At the same time, it is also Qatar’s first non-fossil fuel power station and is Qatar’s “2030 National Vision "Part of the project will be put into production before the 2022 World Cup. The project is divided into two phases. It is expected that the first phase of 400MW construction and grid connection will be completed in April 2021, and the full capacity of the project will be connected to the grid in April 2022. After the project is put into operation, it can meet 10% of Qatar's peak power demand.

Qatar is located in the desert zone, and the ecological environment is fragile. Once destroyed, it will have an irreversible impact. At the beginning of the implementation of the project, the protection of animals and plants was put in the first place. In accordance with the provisions of the Qatar Environmental Protection Law and related policy requirements, the project department has formulated a corresponding animal and plant migration plan in advance and arranged it in a new livable environment, striving to minimize the impact of project construction on the local ecological environment. Build environment-friendly and resource-saving photovoltaic power stations.

The photovoltaic project site is located in the desert hinterland 70 kilometers west of Doha. The terrain from the main road to the construction site is desert terrain. The road conditions are poor. The project site does not have an approach road suitable for large transportation vehicles. In order to ensure the smooth transportation of materials and various production and living materials required for the project construction into the site, and to provide basic guarantee for the transportation work during the subsequent construction peak period, the project department actively organized the road foundation construction and began to build the access road at the end of August. After excavation, landfill, leveling, compaction, etc., the construction of the access road has been completed.

With the gradual advancement of Qatar's policy to unblock the epidemic, the new crown pneumonia epidemic has made the government's entry approval procedures for foreigners complicated and time-consuming, and once caused a shortage of front-line personnel at the initial stage of the project. Facing the tight schedule and heavy tasks, the leadership team of the project department actively looked for countermeasures, figured out ways, strengthened communication with the owner, explained in detail the difficulties of the project department, actively sought support and help from the owner, and made every effort to open up personnel entry channels. At the same time, the project department accelerated the construction of the on-site office. Since the start of the on-site office in early September, the project department’s leadership has led the construction department, the environmental safety department and other departments to take root on the site, with stars and moons around the clock, strictly controlling the construction progress and construction quality to ensure The on-site office can be completed in the expected time. After intense construction, the on-site office has been initially completed and will be fully put into use in early November.

On October 23, 2020, representatives of the project owner made a special trip to Qatar Alcazar 800MW solar photovoltaic project site to inspect the progress. The owner team expressed appreciation for the initial results of the project department’s preliminary site survey, site topographic survey and positioning piles, animal and plant migration, construction of approach roads, and on-site office construction, and fully affirmed the performance of the project . The project department stated that it will continue to actively promote the on-site construction of the project and make efforts for the early commissioning of the first non-fossil fuel power station project in Qatar. Editor/Sang Xiaomei


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