China, Japan, South Korea and ASEAN will further strengthen energy cooperation
Seetao 2020-11-19 16:55
  • The preparatory meeting for the 17th ASEAN and China-Japan-Korea Energy Ministers Meeting was held in Hanoi in video format.
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The Ministry of Industry and Trade of Vietnam hosted the 17th ASEAN and China, Japan and Korea (ASEAN 10+3) Energy Ministers Meeting. The heads of delegations of senior energy officials from China, South Korea, Japan and ASEAN member states attended the meeting.

In a speech at the meeting, Huang Jinyong, Director of the Electricity and Renewable Energy Bureau of the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the head of the delegation of high-ranking energy officials of Vietnam and ASEAN, said that the ASEAN and China, Japan and South Korea Energy Ministers Meeting is one of the ASEAN Energy Ministers Meeting (AMEM) It is an important meeting between ASEAN and China, Japan and South Korea.

Huang Jinyong said that in August 2020, the representatives have jointly assessed the results of energy cooperation in the period 2019-2020 at the 17th ASEAN and China, Japan and South Korea Energy Senior Officials’ Meeting, and discussed the 2021-2025 between ASEAN and China, Japan and South Korea. In-depth discussions on energy cooperation at the annual stage.

Specifically, Japan's various cooperation and support plans in clean coal technology, nuclear energy, new and renewable energy, effective use of energy, various energy forums, and strengthening of energy management capabilities.

At the same time, South Korea is also cooperating with ASEAN and helping ASEAN improve the energy policies of some ASEAN countries and strengthen capacity building and cooperation in the energy field. The meeting also recognized China's support in strengthening solar energy capacity building, sharing new technologies in the energy field, and holding roundtable dialogues on energy.

At the meeting, the heads of delegations checked the key issues in energy cooperation between ASEAN and China, Japan and South Korea, especially the content of the ASEAN Energy Cooperation Plan 2021-2025 (APAEC), the cooperation plan and the implementation of China, Japan and South Korea. APAEC support.

At the end of the meeting, the heads of delegations reached a consensus on the content of cooperation and assistance in the energy field to be submitted to the 38th ASEAN Energy Senior Officials Meeting to be held on November 19. Editor/Xu Shengpeng


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