Central enterprises
China Railway International officially appointed Bi Yanchun as chairman
Seetao 2020-12-23 10:11
  • Bi Yanchun serves as the chairman of China Railway International Group Co., Ltd. and remains the legal representative
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It is said that around the Spring Festival is the peak of unit substitutions, this is correct. A few days ago, China Railway International held a cadre meeting at its headquarters to announce the decision of the China Railway International Party Committee on the adjustment of China Railway International’s leadership: Bi Yanchun is the party secretary and chairman of China Railway International Group Co., Ltd. and remains the legal representative.

In April 2020, the then chairman of China Railway International, Gan Baixian, was transferred to the preparatory team leader of China Overseas Engineering Co., Ltd. due to the reform of China Railway Group's overseas system and mechanism. Since then, the position of chairman of China Railway International has been vacant.

President Bi Yanchun, who became the chairman of the board this time, previously served as Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Party Standing Committee, General Manager, Vice Chairman, and Director of China Railway Group Co., Ltd.; at the end of March, he was transferred to China Railway International and served as a member of the Party Committee, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, and Director. The vice chairman is the legal representative.

It is expected that the personnel adjustment of China Railway International's leading cadres and the implementation of overseas system and mechanism reforms will create a new world for its overseas business.Editor/Sang Xiaomei


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