Jiaozuo-Tanghe Expressway Pingdingshan Border is about to start construction
Seetao 2021-02-25 16:41
  • The total length of the project is 100.8 kilometers, of which Pingdingshan section is 69.1 kilometers
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On February 19, 2021, the Henan Provincial Development and Reform Commission issued the "Notice on Issuing the List of Key Construction Projects in Henan Province in 2021." Among them, the Ruzhou-Fangcheng section of Jiaozuo-Tanghe Expressway is a project to start in 2021.

On the morning of February 23, the signing ceremony of the investment agreement for the Ruzhou-Fangcheng section of the Jiaozuo-Tanghe Expressway (Pingdingshan border) was held in the office building of the Pingdingshan Municipal Party Committee and Government.

Jiaozuo-Tanghe Expressway Ruzhou to Fangcheng Section Project

The route of the project starts from the south of Xiaotun Town, Ruzhou City, with the starting point crossing Ningluo Expressway, and going south through 6 counties (cities, districts) of Ruzhou, Baofeng, Shilong District, Lushan, Yexian, and Fangcheng 14 Townships (towns), ending in the north of Qinghe Township, Fangcheng County, Nanyang City, with a total length of 100.8 kilometers. Among them, the Pingdingshan section is 69.1 kilometers, and the estimated investment of Pingdingshan is 8.77 billion yuan. There are 5 service interchanges in Pingdingshan City, and 1 service area in Shandong.

It is understood that the Ruzhou-Fangcheng section of the Jiaozuo-Tanghe Expressway is the first batch of block-cutting projects in the "13445 Project" of the expressway in Henan Province. It is planned to start construction at the end of March and fully start construction at the end of June. After the project is completed and opened to traffic, it will greatly improve the layout system of Pingdingshan City's expressway network and promote high-quality and deep economic and social development. Editor/He Yuting


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