Shaanxi Province will deploy more than 2,000 major projects in 10 categories
Seetao 2021-03-03 15:51
  • The layout of major projects will create an innovation highland in the western region, making the real economy stronger and better
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At the press conference of the Shaanxi Provincial Government Information Office held on the morning of March 3, 2021, it was learned that during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, Shaanxi Province will focus on implementing innovation-driven, high-quality development of manufacturing, modern service industry, high-end energy and chemical industry, and traditional There are more than 2,000 major projects in 10 categories, including industrial transformation and upgrading, modern infrastructure, public services, new urbanization, and rural revitalization, with a total investment of more than 10 trillion yuan.

Li Shengrong, deputy director of the Shaanxi Provincial Development and Reform Commission, said that the "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development of Shaanxi Province and the Outline of Long-Term Goals for 2035" have thoroughly studied and judged the historical position of Shaanxi’s development and changes in the development environment, and strive to grasp The development variables brought about by the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, focusing on the second centenary goal, with high-quality development as the theme, deepening supply-side structural reform as the main line, and improving the ecological environment as the premise to meet the increasing demands of the people. A better life for growth needs to be the fundamental goal, actively integrate into the new development pattern, accelerate the construction of a modern economic system, and promote the modernization of the governance system and governance capabilities.

11 key tasks for Shaanxi's economic and social development

According to Li Shengrong, the "Outline" clarified 11 key tasks for the economic and social development of Shaanxi Province during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period. "The 11 key tasks are mainly to implement the innovation-driven development strategy in depth to create an innovation highland in the western region; strengthen and optimize the real economy, and build a modern industrial system with Shaanxi characteristics; firmly implement the strategy of expanding domestic demand and actively integrate into the new development pattern; improve Regional development strategy, promote the formation of a regional economic layout with complementary advantages and high-quality development; focus on the construction of urban agglomerations and metropolitan areas, improve the quality and level of new urbanization; consolidate the results of poverty alleviation, and comprehensively promote rural revitalization; deeply integrate into the construction of the Belt and Road Initiative Build a large pattern to create a highland for inland reform and opening up; coordinate the management of landscapes, forests, fields, lakes, grasses and sand systems to promote the continuous improvement of the quality of the ecological environment; adhere to the people-centered approach to strengthen people’s livelihood security and social construction; prosper and develop cultural undertakings and cultural industries, and build cultural strength Province; coordinate development and safety to build a higher level of safe Shaanxi." Li Shengrong said.

The long-term goals for 2035 and the development goals of the 14th Five-Year Plan are clear

"The "Outline" scientifically determines the 2035 long-term goals and the "14th Five-Year Plan" development target indicators. It is a pioneering and inspiring plan. The "Outline" insists on combining long-term prospects with short-term plans, and puts forward the 2035 long-term goals and targets. "Fourteenth Five-Year" development goal." Li Shengrong said, the 2035 goal can be summarized as "two doublings", that is, the per capita GDP will double compared with 2020, reaching the level of medium-developed countries; the income of urban and rural residents will be higher than that of 2020. More than doubled, the middle-income group has expanded significantly, and the people have made greater substantive progress in common prosperity.

Greater progress has been taken in high-quality development. The regional GDP reached 3.6 trillion yuan, and the per capita GDP reached about 90,000 yuan; innovation-driven development is at the forefront of the country, and a modern industrial system led by the manufacturing industry has basically taken shape. A major breakthrough was achieved in reform and opening up. A high-standard market system has basically taken shape, and significant progress has been made in the reform of the property rights system and the reform of the market-oriented allocation of factors, and an international trade channel with high efficiency, low cost, and excellent service has been established in the inland areas. Significant progress has been made in building a culturally strong province. The supply of public cultural products and services has become more abundant, and the competitiveness of the cultural industry has been greatly enhanced.

The quality of the ecological environment continued to improve. The ecological environment of the Qinling Mountains and the Yellow River Basin has been effectively protected, and the air pollution control in the Guanzhong area has achieved remarkable results. The energy consumption per unit of GDP and the intensity of carbon dioxide emissions have continued to decline. The high-quality life moves to a higher level. Employment is more adequate and quality, the problem of "one old, one small" has been significantly improved, and the level of equalization of basic public services has been significantly improved. High-efficiency governance achieves new improvements. The government's administrative efficiency and credibility have been significantly improved, major risk prevention and resolution mechanisms have become increasingly complete, and a new pattern of co-construction, co-governance and shared social governance has basically taken shape. See Road Network Engineering Column Editor/Ge Siyu


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