ZOOMLION’s earthmoving products go to the “Belt and Road” countries!
Seetao 2021-04-02 09:49
  • On March 31, the overseas departure ceremony of Zoomlion was grandly held in Weinan Industrial Park
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It is reported that the earthmoving machinery and equipment shipped this time is the first batch of products delivered in a large-scale overseas order. They will go to Central Asia, Russia and other regions as an important measure of Zoomlion Earthmoving Machinery Company to help the construction of the "Belt and Road". Contribute Zoomlion's plan to the infrastructure construction of key countries along the “Belt and Road” initiative.

Activity site

"Under the current new development pattern with the domestic big cycle as the main body and the domestic and international double cycles mutually promoting each other, we will comprehensively coordinate the domestic and international markets and accelerate the expansion of overseas business," Xia Yimin, deputy general manager of Zoomlion Earthmoving Machinery Company Said that with the countries along the "Belt and Road" as a breakthrough point, we will produce greener, more intelligent and advanced high-quality products for customers around the world. In the future, Zoomlion "Aurora Green" will become the most beautiful scenery on construction sites around the world! "

Xia Yimin, Deputy General Manager of Zoomlion Earthmoving Machinery Company, delivers a speech

Leaders attending the starting ceremony

In the past year, Zoomlion has actively overcome the impact of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, grasped the leading role of the "Belt and Road" strategy in the export of earthmoving machinery, and actively deployed and opened up markets in the countries along the "Belt and Road", and achieved historical sales throughout the year. new highs.

Zoomlion's earthmoving machinery products are shipped overseas

In 2021, the boom of construction machinery will continue to pick up. Zoomlion Earthmoving Machinery firmly seizes the opportunity of the development of the construction machinery industry, effectively expands the market, takes products as the foundation, and rides the waves. Since the "starting red", ZOOMLION has continuously delivered goods in the domestic market, and good news has also spread in overseas markets.

Zoomlion's earthmoving machinery products lined up for shipment overseas

With the global spread of the new crown vaccine and the gradual relief of overseas epidemics, overseas markets will further recover. At the same time, as the country’s “One Belt, One Road” strategy advances, Zoomlion will also have a broader international vision and more opportunities for “going out”, and there will be more room for development. Editor/Wang Jiangwen


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