Along the high-speed view of China, the CCCC project is indispensable
Seetao 2021-04-07 15:21
  • China’s economic acceleration is inseparable from the development of expressways.
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On April 6, 2021, the Central Propaganda Department, in conjunction with the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and other departments, organized the central and local media to launch a publicity campaign on the theme of "Looking at China along the Expressway" in Shanghai. CCCC is one of the project's acknowledgement units. . At the opening ceremony of the event, the Baomao Expressway, Lianhuo Expressway, Beijing-Xinjiang Expressway, Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, Beipanjiang Bridge, Qingshuihe Bridge, Guizhou Expressway, Guiwen Expressway and other projects undertaken or participated in the construction of CCCC, And the builders of Jingxiong Expressway appeared in the video.

In 2012, the national expressway mileage reached 96,000 kilometers. From 2013 to 2020, 64,000 kilometers of expressways will be newly built, and the total mileage of expressways nationwide will reach 160,000 kilometers, ranking first in the world. From machine-plowed roads to road networks, the rapid development of China's highways has witnessed the transformation process of China's industrialization and urbanization. The highway extending in all directions penetrates into the mountains and deep valleys, and spreads into the wilderness and jungle, continuously extending into the distance, changing people's concepts and lives, and connecting the desires and happiness in the heart.

A three-dimensional display of the achievements of the traffic and road network, a multi-angle experience of the great changes in the mountains and countryside brought about by the road, "Along the highway to see China" takes you on a hyper-space "high-speed" journey, a section of the road condenses a kind of Chinese story. Taihang Expressway radiates the old revolutionary base area, and Baomao Expressway connects Red Tourism. Follow the shining footsteps and pursue the pioneering spirit in the years of the beacon. The wheels of the Shanghai-Chongqing high-speed are rolling, and the Puyan high-speed allows the old areas to get rid of poverty and take the express train to get rich. Qianmo Transportation is supporting countless people's dreams of a well-off life. Taste the history and civilization in Qingyin Expressway, and appreciate the openness and tolerance of the "Belt and Road" in Lianhuo Expressway. Chinese culture has lasted for more than a thousand years, and the mystery of the endless life has been felt along the way.

The Sichuan-Tibet and Qinghai-Tibet highways create the "two-way spirit", and the Beijing-Xinjiang Expressway connects the colorful lives of multiple ethnic groups. Under the same blue sky, we move forward firmly for the same goal. Looking for Jing-Wu-Huang Expressway to see the blooming mountains and flowers, listening to the waves hitting rocks on Hainan Island-Round Expressway. Every time I pass, I understand the charm of heaven and earth better.

It is understood that this themed publicity activity closely follows the theme of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the party. It selected 22 classic routes such as Baomao Expressway, Shanghai-Chongqing Expressway, Lianhuo Expressway, Jingxin Expressway, Jingwuhuang Expressway, etc., through live interaction, interview reports, and documentary. Diversified forms such as travel notes and cultural activities, from the perspectives of historical depth, geography and humanities, development changes, and improvement of people’s livelihood, faithfully record the glorious history and great achievements of the great party in the past century, and fully show the historical achievements and occurrences of the party and the country in the past century. The historical changes of the People’s Republic of China vividly reflect the happiness and pride of the people of all ethnic groups across the country.Editor/Xing Wentao


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