Central enterprises
China Railway First Bureau deploys overseas operations in 2021
Seetao 2021-04-14 14:58
  • China Railway First Bureau handed over overseas projects to various subsidiaries to promote the progress of the companyoverseas business
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On April 13, 2021, China Railway First Bureau held an overseas project transfer meeting in Xi'an headquarters. Party Secretary and Chairman of China Railway First Bureau Ma Haimin and General Manager Zhu Weidong attended the meeting and made important speeches. Leadership members Luo Tianlang, Wang Wenji, Lu Heyou, Yang Yulin, Shang Wuxiao and Zhang Lin attended the meeting. The heads of various departments of the China Railway First Bureau, the leaders of the overseas business department, the main heads of each subsidiary company and the leaders in charge of overseas business attended the meeting. The meeting was presided over by Shang Wuxiao, Deputy General Manager of China Railway First Bureau.

It is reported that, according to the "China Railway First Bureau Overseas System and Mechanism Reform Plan", China Railway First Bureau implements a system of assigning tasks and division of labor overseas, and 41 overseas projects originally managed by the overseas business department will be transferred to the relevant subsidiary branches of China Railway First Bureau for management. Among them, 14 projects have been handed over to relevant units in September 2020. 27 overseas projects were handed over this time, involving 11 subsidiary companies.

The superiority of implementing a system of task assignment and division of labor

Ma Haimin pointed out that the transfer of overseas projects to various subsidiaries is based on the actual situation of China Railway First Bureau. Based on the needs of international development strategy and the overseas "sales and division of labor" system, in order to further strengthen and optimize the overseas business of China Railway First Bureau, it has undergone many A major decision made after investigation, demonstration, and deliberation. The purpose of holding this transfer meeting is to further unify thinking, speed up the pace of work, and ensure that the reform requirements are implemented as soon as possible. Regarding the transfer work, Ma Haimin asked all departments of the China Railway First Bureau and all units involved in overseas business to unify their thinking and raise awareness. Pay attention to politics, take into account the overall situation, and fully support the decision of China Railway First Bureau. During the handover process, effective measures must be taken to ensure that "thinking cannot be chaotic," "teams cannot be scattered," and "work cannot be stopped." The second is to implement responsibilities and do practical work. The main leaders of each subsidiary company must personally take charge, and the overseas business leaders and backbone forces must personally get started to ensure that all the handover tasks are completed by the end of April. The production management department, cost management department, financial management department and overseas business departments of China Railway First Bureau shall formulate handover plans for individual projects one by one to ensure the successful completion of the handover. The third is to cooperate closely to ensure compliance. The transfer of the project is not a matter of the overseas business department alone. It requires the full participation and close cooperation of the business department of China Railway First Bureau and its subsidiary companies. All relevant units must carefully connect and connect to ensure that the safety and quality of the project after the transfer is under control and the schedule is in line The cadre and workforce are stable and harmonious in fulfilling the requirements of the contract.

Ma Haimin emphasized at the meeting that internationalization is a group strategy, a strategic deployment for corporate transformation and upgrading, and the only way to sustainable operation. In recent years, we have firmly grasped the historical opportunities of the "going out" strategy and the "Belt and Road" initiative, vigorously promoted the internationalization strategy, penetrated into the overseas market, and promoted the company's overseas business to achieve good results, but there is still a certain gap. . All departments and units of China Railway First Bureau must fully understand the strategic significance of overseas reforms, consciously serve and obey corporate strategies. On the one hand, they must face up to the gaps, practice hard work, and improve capabilities. On the other hand, they must deepen communication and strengthen linkages. , To realize the domestic and international "a game of chess". On how to carry out the next step of overseas operations, he put forward six requirements: one is to improve the ideological position and accelerate overseas development; the second is to seize market opportunities and improve the level of operation; the third is to strengthen compliance management to prevent overseas risks; It is to do a good job in overseas party building and build a strong battle fortress; the fifth is to improve the selection and training mechanism and strengthen the construction of talents; the sixth is to strengthen the prevention and control of the epidemic and keep the bottom line of safety.

Zhu Weidong affirmed the achievements of overseas work in 2020, and expressed his heartfelt thanks to everyone for their outstanding contributions and hard work. He pointed out that the overseas business sector is an indispensable and important part of the group company’s business sector and is one of the company’s strategic directions. The entire company must unify its thinking, improve its position, and strengthen overseas operations from the perspective of achieving high-quality corporate development goals. The importance of work, adhere to the international strategy unwavering, firm the belief of "going out", deepen the reform of overseas business, go all out to deepen the overseas market, and strive to create a new situation for the high-quality development of overseas businesses. He put forward requirements for overseas operations from four aspects: First, we must carefully study and judge the international situation and fully grasp the opportunities for overseas operations; second, we must do our best to manage the market to ensure the successful completion of the annual tasks; third, we must do well in the projects under construction , To promote the rolling development of overseas markets; the fourth is to strengthen risk prevention and control to ensure the steady progress of overseas businesses.

Zhu Weidong emphasized that the transfer of overseas projects to the management of third-tier companies is a necessary step to promote the reform of overseas systems and mechanisms, and is a specific measure to promote the implementation of the “sales and division of labor” system. Since last year, the First Bureau of China Railway has implemented the "sales of tasks and division of labor" system reform for overseas operations in accordance with the requirements of China Railway's overseas system and mechanism reforms, and combined with the actual situation of the company. All three-tier companies must unconditionally accept relevant overseas projects from a high degree of political and accountability in accordance with the handover plan, give full play to the project management advantages of the third-tier companies, and fully perform the main responsibility of overseas project management to ensure the smooth progress of the project. The overseas business department shall perform its market supervision responsibilities, continuously strengthen the supervision of overseas projects in all aspects and the whole process, and provide feedback to the relevant functional departments of China Railway First Bureau as soon as possible to ensure that various management deviations and risks can be resolved in a timely manner. Win the market.

Wang Wenji, deputy secretary of the party committee and secretary of the Disciplinary Committee, requires all units to improve their political positions, strictly require discipline, and demonstrate their responsibility to ensure the smooth progress of the group company's overseas system and mechanism reforms. Regarding overseas operations, he put forward four points: First, we must learn profound lessons and further strengthen overseas compliance management; second, we must strengthen organizational guarantees and further strengthen overseas party building work; third, we must do practical daily supervision and further strengthen overseas Integrity risk prevention and control; fourth, accurate fault tolerance and correction must be made to further encourage cadres to take responsibility.

Shang Wuxiao, deputy general manager in charge of overseas business, put forward three requirements in the final meeting summary: one is to raise awareness, recognize gaps, and continuously increase the urgency of overseas market development; second, to straighten out relationships and form synergy. Give full play to the advantages of management functions at all levels; the third is to stay close to the market, lean over to operate, and promote the healthy and sustainable development of overseas business. At the meeting, Sun Gaofeng, general manager of the overseas business department, briefed the China Railway First Bureau's overseas operations in 2020, and made arrangements for how to carry out overseas operations in 2021; representatives of sub-branches and regional headquarters-South China headquarters They reported on the development of overseas business in turn, and expressed their confidence and determination to do a good job in overseas business; the heads of the Operation Development Department, Large Enterprise Business Department, and Investment and Financing Business Department of China Railway First Bureau made speeches respectively, and proposed specific details for overseas business development. Comments and suggestions.Editor/Xing Wentao


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