China Railway wins the project in the northern part of Yancheng City
Seetao 2021-04-29 11:07
  • China Railway has won the road network project in the northern part of Yancheng City
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On April 29, 2021, China Railway won the express road network and infrastructure project in the northern area of Yancheng City. The project is constructed in four phases: the first phase of the project includes the Beihuan-Fan highway interchange node project (including the Beihuan ground system renovation project) ) And Qingnian Road west extension project; the second phase project is the Xinye Road elevated project; the third phase project is the Kaichuang Road north extension project (Kangzhuang Avenue-Xinye Road); the fourth phase project is the project balanced land infrastructure and public service supporting works .

North Area Expressway Network

The interconnection transformation of the northern ring hub combined with the double-ring butterfly full interconnection plan of the first phase of the Yancheng Inner Ring Elevated Project. This time, the four ramps of west-to-north, west-to-south, south-to-west, and north-to-west are improved, and the nodes are transformed into full interconnection. Improve the auxiliary roads on the ground in the hub area and set up a west-south-right-turn ramp; expand the current human-cause system in the southeast quadrant, add motor vehicle lanes, optimize the alignment, and connect to Yanqing Road; and add auxiliary roads to the northeast quadrant to connect to the main line of the current van highway. At the same time, the existing viaduct of the Beihuan Road was renovated. The elevated bridge crossed the open avenue and landed, and set a level intersection with Rongcheng Road. For the convenience of the traffic from the open avenue to the north, a right-turn ramp was set up to access the open. Avenue. The Qingnian Road viaduct extends westward from the west side of Zhenxing Road and starts eastward along the current Qingnian West Road. After the bridge crosses Liming Road, the route deviates to the south side of the old road. Three semi-directional ramps are set up to connect to Qingnian Road and the G204 express main line. The total length of the route is approximately 2.440 kilometers;

Xinye Road is connected to the G204 Yanfu Expressway in the west, and the elevated expressway is adopted along the existing Xinye Road and the old route to the east. It is connected to the north extension of Kaichuang Road, and continuously crosses Chuanchang River, Renmin North Road, and Kaikai Avenue. After that, a pair of ramps facing south will be set up at the terminal to connect with the main line of Fan Highway, with a total mileage of 3.620 kilometers.

The starting point of the north extension of Kaichuang Road and Xinye Road are set up via elevated, and the ground express way is used to lay south along the current Jincheng route, and it ends at the north of Xinjing Road. A bridge is set up at the node of Xinyang Road. The total mileage of the route is 2 kilometers; the project's balanced plot infrastructure and public service facilities are mainly located in the northern part of the city, located in Tinghu District, with an area of land to Renmin North Road in the east, Beihuan Road in the south, Chuanchanghe in the west, and Yanjing Expressway in the north. The area is about 1595 acres.Editor/Xing Wentao


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