Central enterprises
CGN and Xianning City Promote the Construction of National Clean Energy Base
Seetao 2021-05-21 11:13
  • China General Nuclear Power Group and Xianning build a large-scale integrated base for nuclear, solar, solar, and solar energy storage
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The construction of large-scale clean energy bases in areas with better resource conditions can strongly support the sustainable development of energy. On the afternoon of May 20, 2021, Xianning City and China General Nuclear Power Corporation signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement to jointly build Xianning's tens of thousands of kilowatts of nuclear, solar, solar, and energy storage integrated clean energy base. Yang Changli, Secretary of the Party Committee, Chairman and General Manager of China General Nuclear Power Corporation, and Meng Xiangwei, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, jointly witnessed the signing.

According to the cooperation agreement, China General Nuclear Power Group will invest in clean energy projects such as wind power, photovoltaics, pumped storage, and energy storage with a total installed capacity of more than 10 million kilowatts in Xianning. The two parties will further strengthen their depth in the fields of ecological and environmental protection and nuclear technology applications. Cooperation to build a large-scale clean energy base in Xianning that integrates tens of millions of kilowatts of nuclear, solar, and solar storage

Yang Changli said in his speech that since China General Nuclear Power Corporation began to expand clean energy and other industries in Xianning in 2008, it has received strong support from the party committees and governments at all levels in Xianning City, and related cooperation has achieved fruitful results. China General Nuclear Power Group is sincere about this. thank. The good communication and cooperation between the two parties in the early stage have laid a solid foundation for further expanding cooperation fields and expanding cooperation results. China General Nuclear Power Group will focus on building a large clean energy base in Xianning, comprehensively promote the in-depth cooperation between the two parties, and continuously improve the quality and efficiency of cooperation. China General Nuclear Power Group will give full play to its own advantages, strengthen communication and docking, create favorable conditions, make every effort to promote relevant projects to take root and bear fruit, and actively expand cooperation in the fields of environmental protection and health, so as to accelerate the realization of high-quality development and high-quality for Xianning. Life contributes more.

The cooperation between the two parties this time to build a clean energy base is a specific action to accelerate the construction of a low-carbon, clean, safe and efficient energy system. It implements the mission requirements of "carbon peak and carbon neutrality" in Xianning, and promotes a comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development. It is of great significance. Meng Xiangwei expressed his sincere gratitude to China General Nuclear Power Group for actively promoting the cooperation between the two parties and the tremendous contribution it has made to the economic and social development of Xianning. Party committees and governments at all levels in Xianning will maintain strategic determination, adhere to a long-term vision, and unswervingly create a good environment for project advancement and provide quality services. It is also hoped that China General Nuclear Power Group will regard Xianning as the preferred and first choice for cooperation and promote the strategic cooperation between the two parties to achieve greater results. Editor/Sang Xiaomei


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