Construction of Shugang Expressway in Lanshan Port Area of ​​Rizhao Port started
Seetao 2021-05-25 14:45
  • The total length is about 13 kilometers. After completion, it will greatly improve the port's collection and distribution efficiency
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On the morning of May 25, 2021, the Shugang Expressway in the Lanshan Port Area of Rizhao Port invested and constructed by Shandong High Speed Group held a construction mobilization activity, which marked the official start of the construction of the project.

It is understood that the main line of the Shugang Expressway in the Lanshan Port Area of Rizhao Port is about 13 kilometers long, with a total estimated investment of about 2.5 billion yuan. It will be constructed in accordance with the two-way four-lane expressway standard with a design speed of 120 kilometers per hour.

After the completion of the Shugang Expressway Project in the Lanshan Port Area of Rizhao Port, the Lanshan Port Area and the Shenhai Expressway, Lanluo Expressway and other high-speed road networks can be efficiently interconnected, which is useful for optimizing the regional traffic layout, alleviating the traffic pressure in the city, and improving the port. The efficiency of collection and distribution and the construction of an intensive and efficient road-rail-water integrated transportation system are of great significance, and will effectively promote the high-quality development of the local economy in the future.

Rizhao Port is located on the coast of the Yellow Sea in the southern wing of the Shandong Peninsula, with Shijiu and Lanshan two major port areas. In recent years, with the rapid economic development of the port hinterland and the continuous acceleration of port construction, the cargo throughput of the Lanshan Port Area has shown a rapid growth trend. At present, the transportation in the Lanshan Port Area is dominated by roads. The collection and distribution channels are relatively simple and most of the port roads pass through the urban area. Faced with road congestion and noise pollution, it is urgent to build a fast and convenient port area To improve traffic capacity and service levels. Shandong Expressway Group actively responded to local development needs, quickly started the preliminary work of the Rizhao Port Lanshan Port Area Shugang Expressway Project, and steadily promoted the pre-examination of land use and other pre-requisites for approval, and successfully obtained the approval of the Provincial Development and Reform Commission and the design of the Provincial Department of Transportation. Approval, start the project construction one month in advance.

Keywords: infrastructure construction, infrastructure projects, infrastructure information

It is reported that in 2021, Shandong High Speed Group will invest 70.37 billion yuan in the original plan to further increase the size. It plans to invest 72.4 billion yuan to accelerate the construction of key expressway projects to ensure the reconstruction and expansion of the Beijing-Taiwan Expressway from Tai'an to Zaozhuang, including 5 342.9 km expressways. The construction of 10 694.5-kilometer expressways including the Jinan-Taian section of the Beijing-Taiwan Expressway was completed and opened to traffic during the year. Since 2021, 31.09 billion yuan has been invested in key projects, and the investment progress and image progress have exceeded the original plan. The reconstruction and expansion projects of Mingcun-Dongjiakou Expressway and the Jinan-Taian section of Jingtai Expressway have started construction. In the next step, Shandong High Speed Group will continue to play its role as the main force in the construction of transportation infrastructure, further increase the input of various elements and resources, realize the standardization of engineering construction, the refined project management, and the informatization of management methods, improve the level of project construction management, and accelerate the key points in an all-round way. Project construction provides strong transportation support for high-quality economic and social development. Editor/He Yuting


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