Construction Frontline
Construction of Tanzania Central Line Standard Gauge Railway started!
Seetao 2021-06-15 10:43
  • China Civil Engineering undertook the Tanzania project, which will help local economic development and people’s livelihood projects
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On June 14, 2021, the groundbreaking ceremony for the Ithaca-Mwanza section of the Tanzania Central Line Standard Gauge Railway was held. Tanzanian President Hassan unveiled the foundation stone for the groundbreaking ceremony. In addition, President Hassan also inspected other civil engineering projects undertaken by China project.

At the groundbreaking ceremony, Hassan expressed his satisfaction for laying the foundation of the project. She emphasized that the standard rail project is of great significance to the development and prosperity of Tanzania. Tanzania needs high-quality and affordable transportation to transport passengers, resources, equipment and goods. We hope that after the completion of the project, transportation costs will be reduced, and the transportation of people and goods between ports and inland areas and neighboring countries will be more convenient. The project will bring many benefits to the people of Mwanza and even the whole country. Minister of Transportation and Engineering Leonardo and other dignitaries attended the ceremony. Representatives of Tanzanian government departments, parliamentarians, media reporters, friendly people from all walks of life, and local people witnessed the start of the project.

The main line of the project is 249 kilometers in length, connecting Ithaca, a major city in northern Tanzania, to the second largest city, Mwanza. It is an important part of the country’s standard gauge railway and will be connected to the world’s second largest freshwater lake, Lake Victoria. To achieve "water and land combined transportation". The Central Line Standard Gauge Railway is an important channel connecting Tanzania and Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi and other neighboring countries to the Indian Ocean. It is also an important part of the Central Corridor Planning Network in the East African Region. It is included in the Tanzanian National "2025 Vision Plan" and " The 2011-2025 Transportation Policy Implementation Strategy is a key project in the railway development plan. After the completion of the railway, Tanzania’s railway infrastructure will be greatly improved, the local transportation capacity will be enhanced, and the rapid connection between coastal areas and inland areas will be ensured, which is important for promoting economic development, industrialization, and improvement of people’s livelihoods along the line. effect. In the future, with the continuous extension and construction of railways to Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi and other countries, it will play an important role in improving the transportation conditions of the entire East African region and promoting the common development of the East African region.

Tanzania is the "birth place" of China's civil engineering overseas business. For many years, China Civil Engineering has been committed to the infrastructure construction and economic development of Tanzania and East Africa. It has contracted more than 60 projects in Tanzania, covering railways, highways, water supply, and municipal services. , Bridges, housing construction and other fields, is one of the companies with the longest establishment time, the widest business scope, and the strongest comprehensive strength among the Chinese-funded companies in Tanzania. In the next step, the company will actively plan, organize carefully, implement the project, coordinate all resources to implement the project, ensure the quality, safety and progress of the project, and provide more employment opportunities and vocational skills for the Tanzanian people during the project implementation. Training, work with the people of Tanzania to build the railway, and use high-quality projects to help the development of infrastructure in Tanzania and even East Africa.

Keywords: overseas engineering, engineering news

From June 13 to 14, 2021, President Hassan of Tanzania also inspected some of the projects implemented by China Civil Engineering. Attended the opening ceremony of Tanzania’s Mwanza Central Bank Building on the 13th. On the 14th, he went to check the progress of the Magufuli Bridge project and participated in the opening ceremony of the Missonggui Water Plant. The President delivered enthusiastic speeches on the above projects, highly praised China Civil Engineering’s ability to fulfill the contract and its outstanding contributions to local economic development and improvement of people’s livelihood, and fully expressed his high recognition and recognition of China’s civil engineering in the field of infrastructure construction in Tanzania. trust.Editor/Xing Wentao


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