U.S. reinstates investment of US$929 million in high-speed rail projects
Seetao 2021-06-15 11:38
  • U.S. Transportation is committed to the construction and operation of the railway system, with a total investment of US$929 million
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The United States Department of Transportation (USDOT) and the State of California have concluded settlement negotiations to restore approximately $929 million in federal funding to support California's high-speed rail project. The decision was made after months of negotiations. The funding was made after the US Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) under the Trump administration previously withdrew funds in 2019.

In April 2009, the federal government agreed to an initial investment of US$8 billion and an annual investment of US$1 billion within five years for the implementation of high-speed rail projects in 10 major corridors. The California high-speed rail project started construction in January 2015. The project is under construction 191 kilometers along the Central Valley, with more than 35 construction sites underway.

With the restoration of funding, the California High Speed Rail Administration (CHSRA) will be able to complete the first operational part of the high-speed rail system. CHSRA is committed to the design, planning, construction and operation of railway systems.

California Governor Gavin Newsom said: "The restoration of nearly $929 million in grant funds to California's high-speed rail project will continue to stimulate employment, advance the project and bring the state closer to opening trains in California as soon as possible." CHSRA CEO Brian Kelly said: "Through this settlement, it is clear that we once again have a strong federal partner on this challenging but transformative project. We thank FRA for the confidence expressed. , That is, we are getting this project on track.

"Let us continue to create jobs and build America's first real high-speed rail project here in California." The California high-speed rail project will operate from San Francisco to the Los Angeles Basin, a three-hour journey.

Keywords: railway system, overseas engineering

After some time, the rail system will extend to Sacramento and San Diego, with a total length of 1,287.48 kilometers, including about 24 stations.Editor/Baohongying、design/Xiachangwang


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