The design report of Baiji Water Conservancy Project was approved
Seetao 2019-11-04 10:21
  • Fundamentally solve or alleviate the shortage of water in the middle and long term of Quanzhou City
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Recently, it was learned from Quanzhou Water Conservancy Bureau that the preliminary design report of the Quanzhou Baiyu Water Conservancy Project was officially approved by the Ministry of Water Resources. So far, the project has entered the stage of comprehensive construction from the pre-declaration stage.

The Quanzhou Baiyu Water Conservancy Project is one of the 172 major water conservancy projects deployed by the State Council to accelerate the construction. It has been included in the 13th Five-Year Plan for Water Conservancy Reform and Development, which was approved by the State Council, and was included in the key construction of the 13th Five-Year Plan in Fujian Province. project. According to the approval, the engineering task is mainly based on water supply, combined with flood control, taking into account power generation, and creating conditions for improving downstream irrigation and ecological water use. The project is a large (2) type II project. The dam is located in Changji Village, Baiji Township, Anxi County. It is a concrete compacted concrete dam with a maximum height of 106 meters. The normal water storage capacity of the hub is 288 meters, the total storage capacity is 544 million cubic meters, the installed capacity of the power station is 57 megawatts, and the average annual power generation is 181 million kWh. The total construction period is 54 months and the total investment is 14.27 billion yuan.

After the completion of the project, the Xixi Runoff in Jinjiang will be effectively stored, and the natural river channel will be released to the Jinji River Gate Water Conservancy Project, which has been built in the lower reaches of the Jinjiang River. The water supply capacity of the Jinji Gate will be increased, and the water volume will be complemented and spared by the Shanmei Reservoir. Effectively protect the water supply security in Quanzhou coastal areas and the security of Jinmen water supply. At the same time, through flood storage and peak cutting, improve flood control standards in the urban areas of Anxi and Nan'an, and combine water supply to generate electricity, play the role of compensation for downstream cascade power stations, increase the flow of downstream rivers during dry season, improve downstream ecological environment and irrigation conditions, and fundamentally solve Or alleviate the problem of water shortage in the middle and long term of Quanzhou City, and enhance the support ability of water resources for regional economic and social sustainable development. Author / Lin Mingshan, Editor / Huang Lijun


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