Construction of Huizhou LNG receiving station project started
Seetao 2021-07-26 17:07
  • The Huizhou LNG receiving station project covers an area of ​​about 38 hectares and is planned to be constructed in two phases
  • The first phase of the project has an investment of 6.636 billion yuan, and plans to build three 200,000 cubic meters of LNG storage tanks
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On July 23, 2021, the Huizhou LNG receiving terminal project officially started construction. This means that Huizhou, an important node city in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, has ushered in another major construction project. It is understood that with the strong support of the Guangdong Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Provincial Energy Bureau and the active coordination and promotion of Huizhou City, after nearly three years of hard work, on July 7, the Huizhou LNG receiving station project was approved by the National Development and Reform Commission and officially obtained the birth permit. The start of construction means that the project has made substantial progress.

Huizhou LNG receiving station project

The Huizhou LNG receiving station project is located in the Bijia operation area, Pinghai Town, southwest of the Renping Peninsula, Huidong County, covering an area of about 38 hectares. It is planned to be constructed in two phases, of which the investment of the first phase is 6.636 billion yuan. The construction of the Huizhou LNG terminal project is an important measure for Huizhou to implement the national carbon peak and carbon neutral strategy, promote the high-quality development of the energy industry, and build a clean, low-carbon modern energy system.

The first phase of the project has an investment of 6.636 billion yuan and will build three 200,000 cubic meters of LNG storage tanks, with a designed receiving scale of 4 million tons/year and a maximum processing capacity of 6.1 million tons/year. The second phase of the project plans to expand 3 LNG storage tanks of 260,000 cubic meters. After completion, the maximum processing capacity can be increased to 10 million tons per year, with an annual turnover of about 1.5 billion yuan and taxation of about 300 million yuan.

According to the plan, the first phase of the storage tank area of the Huizhou LNG receiving station project will be completed in July 2022, and strive to be completed and put into operation by the end of 2023. At that time, it will add new kinetic energy to Huizhou's construction of an energy technology innovation center in the Greater Bay Area. Editor/He Yuting


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