The 2021 Fortune Global 500 list is released! Chinese companies lead the world
Seetao 2021-08-05 15:03
  • Chinese companies ranked first on the 2021 wealth list, demonstrating the corporate strength of China's central enterprises
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On August 2, 2021, the 2021 Fortune Global 500 list was released. The list shows that the number of Chinese companies on the list this year reached 143, an increase of 10 from the previous year. The number of companies on the list once again surpassed the United States (122) to top the list. Relevant people pointed out that the Chinese companies entering the 2021 rankings have not only expanded their advantages in terms of numbers, but also improved their business performance in horizontal comparison, which further reflects the continuous and stable recovery of the Chinese economy and the steady improvement of the Chinese economy. Strength and potential.

Operating conditions exceed the average level of the world's top 500

The list released this time shows that due to the impact of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, the operating conditions of the world's top 500 are generally poor. All the companies on the list will have an operating income of approximately US$31.7 trillion in 2020, a decrease of 5% from the previous year. Corporate profits fell sharply, with a total net profit of US$1.6 trillion, down 20% year-on-year, the biggest drop since 2009. In comparison, Chinese companies have maintained a stable development trend. The number of rankings continues to increase. In recent years, the number of Chinese companies on the list has continued to grow, surpassing Germany, France, the United Kingdom, and Japan successively, and reached 129 in 2019, surpassing the United States for the first time. In 2021, the number of companies on the list has reached a new high, and the leading advantage has been further expanded. "Fortune" magazine analysis pointed out that since the release of the Fortune Global 500 list in 1995, 27 years ago, no other country or region has seen such a rapid increase in the number of companies in the ranking. The business is in good condition. In the context of the overall decline in the relevant operating indicators of the listed companies, the average sales revenue, average profit, sales yield, and return on net assets of Chinese companies on the list in 2021 are basically the same as the previous year. Exceeds the average level of the world's top 500. In terms of revenue, the average sales revenue of Chinese companies on the list exceeded the world’s top 500 of US$63.4 billion; in terms of profit, the average profit of the world’s top 500 companies was US$3.3 billion; in terms of profitability, the sales yield and return on net assets of the listed Chinese companies were respectively More than 5.2% and 8.4% of the world's top 500. "Under the impact of the epidemic, the good performance of Chinese companies has not come easily. From the reasons behind it, China took the lead in controlling the epidemic, resuming work and production, effective implementation of macro policies, and sustained and stable economic recovery. These are for companies to cope with risks, challenges, and improve. The operating conditions provide strong support." said Lian Ping, chief economist of Zhixin Investment and dean of the research institute.

18 Chinese companies newly listed and re-listed

While the number of companies on the list has increased, the rankings of many Chinese companies have been further improved. The list shows that among the top 20 fastest rising in 2021, more than half are Chinese companies. Among them, the fastest rising is Jinneng Holding Group, which jumped 325 places and ranked 138th; Shandong Energy Group rose 225 places and ranked 70th. In addition, the rankings of Shenghong Holding Group, China National Nuclear Corporation, Jiangxi Copper Group, Xiamen International Trade Holding Group and Xiaomi Group have all risen by more than 80 places. In addition, 18 Chinese companies are newly listed and re-listed this year, including China State Shipbuilding Corporation, Zhejiang Rongsheng Holding Group, Zhejiang Hengyi Group, Sunac China Holdings Co., Ltd., Jingye Group, New Hope Holdings Group, and New China Life Insurance , Weichai Power, Beijing Jianlong Heavy Industry Group, Zhejiang Transportation Investment Group, Longfor Group, Guangzhou Construction Group, Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Group, China Resources Land, Yunnan Investment Holding Group, Wanzhou International, Zijin Mining Group, China Reinsurance (Group ) Co., Ltd.

Behind the global ranking jump is the improvement of corporate operations. In 2021, Ping An Insurance (Group) Co., Ltd. of China ranked 16th on the global list with operating income of US$191.5 billion, up 5 places from last year, and ranked 2nd among global financial companies. In 2020, facing the arduous challenges brought by the epidemic, Ping An will continue to deepen its digital transformation, establish an industry-leading online business model, continue to iterate on innovative technologies and advanced operating concepts, continue to improve customer experience, and provide customers with high-quality Financial products and life services such as medical care and technology. In 2020, the life insurance and health insurance business achieved operating profit of 93.666 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 5.3%. As of the end of December 2020, the company has accumulated 31,412 technology patent applications, an increase of 10,029 from the beginning of the year; it ranks first in the world for financial technology and digital medical patent applications.

Further improve the quality and efficiency of development

To be "big" is to be "strong". The list released this time also shows that Chinese companies still face some challenges in their development. According to the list, there is still a certain gap between the profitability and core competitiveness of Chinese companies on the list compared with some developed economies such as the United States and Europe. "Achievements in quantity and scale are worthy of recognition. At the same time, attention should be paid to the overall industry structure, profitability, core competitiveness and other aspects." Lian Ping believes that at present, many companies are still facing the situation of large but not strong. In the context of promoting high-quality economic development, we should seize opportunities, practice internal skills, and further improve the quality and efficiency of development.

Focusing on improving quality and efficiency, enterprises take active actions. Cedar Holdings has been listed on the Fortune Global 500 list for four consecutive years. The relevant person in charge of the company said that Cedar Holdings, which focuses on the bulk commodity supply chain, is accelerating its transformation, expanding the global supply chain, investing in the construction of multiple new chemical material projects, and forming new profits. growth point.

In 2021, China Huadian Group Co., Ltd., with its operating income of US$34.44 billion, will be on the list for the tenth consecutive year, ranking 352th, up 18 places from last year. Regarding future development, China Huadian has made it clear that by the end of the "14th Five-Year Plan", it will strive to achieve a 45% increase in operating income over the end of the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" period, of which international business income will double as compared to the "13th Five-Year Plan" period. "China Huadian will vigorously develop new energy, accelerate the development of wind power, continue to promote hydropower development, strive to build quality projects, comprehensively accelerate the green and low-carbon transformation, and accelerate the creation of a world-class energy company." said Wen Shugang, chairman of China Huadian Group Co., Ltd.

Among the Chinese construction companies on the list this time, China State Construction Group Co., Ltd. ranks 13th in the world's top 500 with an annual revenue of about 234.4 billion U.S. dollars, and the top ranking has reached a new height. It is worth mentioning that Guangzhou Construction Group Co., Ltd. is on the list for the first time, ranking 460th. In addition, China Minmetals, which includes China Metallurgical Corporation, ranks 65th. If you count China Minmetals, there are 11 Chinese companies on the list.

Keywords: engineering news, engineering construction information

Most of the Chinese construction companies on the list have risen to varying degrees: Among them, China Construction has risen by 5 places, China Railway Construction has risen 15 places, China Railway Construction has risen 12 places, China Communications Construction has risen 17 places, and China Power Construction has risen 50 places. , Energy China went up by 52 places, Shanghai Construction Engineering went up by 60 places, and China General Technology went up by 47 places. Chinese construction companies continue to dominate the top six in the industry. In addition to the 10 Chinese construction companies on the list, another 4 construction companies around the world are shortlisted. Including: Wanxi Group, ranked 241st, with an operating income of US$50,270.2 million last year; ACS Group, ranked 395th, with an operating income of US$39,967.2 million last year; French Bouygues Group, ranked 299th, with an operating income of US$39,967.2 million. Annual operating income was 39607.3 million U.S. dollars; Daiwa Housing Construction, ranked 306th, had an operating income of 3,8928.8 million U.S. dollars last year. Editor/Xing Wentao


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